German Police Stop Moslem Terror Attack on Synagogue

The term “Islamophobia” is as overused as the word “Racist.”

This from

For Christ’s sake, Islam has declared war on all Infidels. Let us please stop falling for them calling-us-what-they-are, and begin fighting back as if our nation, our culture, our heritage depended upon our winning. Because if we lose, moslems will write the history and we will not be included.

One of the moslem men was shot after attacking a police officer.

But the proportion of moslem terror plots against other people’s houses of worship is incredible and a truly global phenomenon based on the sheer volume and horrendous nature.

There are so many all you can do is say, ‘here’s another one.’

And here’s another one:

German authorities said on Friday that they have arrested two men suspected of plotting a knife attack on worshippers at a synagogue in the southwestern city of Heidelberg, The Associated Press reported.

The pair discussed ‘the killing of one or more visitors in the attack on the synagogue followed by death as martyrs, whereby the two persons wanted to be shot to death by police,’ authorities said in a joint statement quoted by AP.

The two suspects are German citizens, with the 18-year-old also holding Turkish nationality, authorities said. Their names were not released.

One of the moslem men tried to attack the police:

The 24-year-old, armed with knives, was shot during the search around three weeks ago when he ran towards a police officer and did not respond when spoken to. He was injured. According to earlier statements by investigators, the suspect suddenly fled out of a window with several kitchen knives during the operation. There he deliberately threw a knife at a police officer and ran towards him with other knives.

These two men were far from alone in committing violent attacks on nonbelievers of late.

[The man with the knives] was doing what his religion taught him to do.

The western world must wake up and smell the coffee.

There is a reason this keeps happening over and over again, and it’s not about Israel or even Jews. It’s about Islam.

The sooner we come to terms with that reality, the sooner we will intelligently address this existential threat.