Commentary: Biden’s Handlers’ Attempt to Cash in Minutes After Trump’s Guilty Verdict

Minutes after the news broke of President Trump’s historic conviction on 34 counts of felony falsification of business records, Joe Biden’s handlers posted on X seeking donations to his re-steal election campaign.

This from

The exercise in poor judgement did not work out the way they may have intended.

The post read:

There’s only one way to keep Donald Trump out of the Oval Office: At the ballot box.

Plus, a link to a donation site. And:

Donate to our campaign today.

Coincidence? Hardly!

Bad timing? No, more like disgusting lowlife tastelessness. And judging from the responses, this is exactly what America thought about the Deep-State mudslinging.

Posting in search of political donations three minutes after The New York Times posted the guilty verdicts on X for offenses handed down to your opponent as a result of your fabricated election interference slanderous attack says everything the public needs to know about the true character of the politician and his platform.

Unsurprisingly, following the verdict:

Trump’s donation site crashed because of heavy traffic.

The American people were eager to donate to the campaign of the one man who can lead them in taking back their Constitutional Republic.

The pathetic Biden/Harris post elicited a somewhat different response:

Nearly every reply to Biden’s post was critical of the imposter, expressed support for President Trump, or both.

NOTE: Prior to the writing of this article, the post received 34,000 replies. Not all were reviewed, but of the first 100, three were favorable to Biden, one was relatively neutral, and the rest were pro Trump.

Examples of the pro-Trump posts were numerous, like this one, from Virginia state delegate Nick Freitas.

Well Democrats, congratulations. I didn’t start out a Trump fan. I supported Rand Paul in the primary in 2016. I was skeptical of whether or not Trump would do what he said. Even after supporting him in 2020, I was frustrated by some of his policies …

… but now … now … I will enthusiastically campaign, donate and vote for Trump. Because if nothing else, he represents opposition to YOU. The people who engage in ‘lawfare,’ openly target your political rivals for prosecution while ignoring the real issues facing this country.


You have now showed us the rules of the game … don’t be surprised when we start playing by them.

But Freitas was hardly the only X user to express support for Trump or to mock Biden for his post—or both.

And former Fox News host Megyn Kelly said it was only a matter of time before Democrats regretted having opened “Pandora’s Box” by prosecuting Trump.

She said: 

So, before you celebrate too much over at MSNBC and CNN, who are positively gleeful over this absurd conviction.

You wait and ask yourself, ask yourself what kind of Pandora’s box has been opened here?