Supreme Court Sides with Biden Regime—Denies InfoWars Host Owen Shroyer’s Appeal Against Sham J6 Conviction Despite He Never Entered Capitol Building!

The Supreme Court has denied an appeal from InfoWars host Owen Shroyer against his conviction related to the January 6th protests.

This from

Shroyer, a hugely popular commentator, and activist with Alex Jones’s InfoWars, was convicted of a misdemeanor and received a 60-day prison sentence after pleading guilty to engaging in “disruptive and riotous behavior” at the Capitol Building, despite the fact he never went inside.

His appeal was rejected as part of a routine list of orders released on Monday morning, with no Justice dissenting or commenting on the decision.

In his petition to the court, Shroyer’s lawyers argued that the District Court had failed to recognize his “unique role” as a journalist and had violated his First Amendment rights.

Shroyer did not enter the Capitol, however, he had previously signed a deferred prosecution agreement after interrupting a House Judiciary Committee hearing during Donald Trump’s impeachment proceedings back in 2019.

As part of the agreement, Shroyer had agreed:

[Not to] utter loud, threatening, or abusive language or engage in any disorderly or disruptive conduct [anywhere on the U.S. Capitol Grounds with the] intent to disrupt the orderly conduct of any congressional session.

After he attended the Stop the Steal rallies on January 6th, prosecutors targeted Shroyer and accused him of being responsible for the events that took place because of his “violent rhetoric” beforehand.

He said at the time:

The Democrats are posing as communists, but we know what they really are.

They’re just tyrants, they’re tyrants. And so today, on January 6, we declare death to tyranny! Death to tyrants!

The prosecutors wrote at the time:

Shroyer helped create January 6.

Shroyer cannot light a fire near a can of gasoline and then express concern or disbelief when it explodes.

Fortunately for Shroyer, the nightmare of his imprisonment and persecution by The Regime is over, at least for the time being.

However, the fight for justice for the hundreds of other patriots who stood up against the fraudulent 2020 presidential election continues.