Imposing a Permanent Gag Order on Trump—This Is the Definition of ‘Unfair Imposition’ and Either Trump Returns to the Helm or We Will Be Next

How long until the same doctrine is being used to muzzle not just President Trump but We the People?

This from

Gag orders—constitutionally dubious—are meant to protect the integrity of a judicial proceeding.

However, even with the trial over, the gag orders imposed on President Trump are not going away.

DA Bragg’s office—which had just freed the antisemitic Columbia Hamas rioters—demanded a continuation of the gag order which prohibits [the president] from commenting on the individuals involved in the trial.

Since Trump is also running for president and Biden is spending $50 million to attack him over the various communist/globalist trials imposed on him, this effectively bans a presidential candidate from debating a campaign issue.

The New York Court of Appeals claimed that “no substantial constitutional question is directly involved” in gagging a presidential candidate when in reality several are involved.

[W]easel words like ‘substantial’

and ‘directly’ give away the game.

There is no longer a judicial proceeding to protect. The basis for Bragg’s demands is the DA’s claim that he’s still getting death threats and that Trump may seek revenge.

There will be plenty of people who hate Bragg regardless of what Trump says and the rationale that the rhetoric poses a personal risk rather than a risk to a case allows for a permanent gag order.

Imposing a gag order post-trial

on a potentially indefinite basis has no legal validity. 

It also shifts away from protecting judicial proceedings before and during to protecting them afterward, and from restricting speech by a participant in a legal proceeding to restricting speech that political agitators believe threatens them.

Either this tyrannical regime is brought to an inglorious end or this same abusive doctrine that is being used to muzzle President Trump will certainly be used against We the People—and on an equally arbitrary and capricious basis.

God speed to the Take Back of our Constitutional Republic.