NYC Mayor to Cut Carbon Emissions by Cutting Off Food

The American Left is just Pol Pot in slow motion. The global warming scam is just an excuse to take everything away from We the People in a false campaign to save the planet.

This from

Everything? Yes, everything.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams and Chief Climate Officer and New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Commissioner Rohit T. Aggarwala Tuesday released the city’s first integrated greenhouse gas inventory, which incorporates emissions from the production and consumption of food.

Those emissions represent 20 percent of New York City’s overall emissions—the third largest source, behind buildings (35 percent) and transportation (21 percent).

Just like cars and individual liberty, the food will have to go.

New Yorkers will look back nostalgically for the days when Mayor Bloomberg merely wanted to cut salt and ban soda. They’re coming for your meat, fish, and eggs.

In response to the new inventory, Mayor Adams and Mayor’s Office of Food Policy (MOFP) Executive Director Kate MacKenzie also announced that the city will reduce absolute carbon emissions from food purchases across its city agencies by 33 percent by 2030.

Just wait until they do an inventory of carbon emissions based on population and announce that they’re cutting the population by 33% by 2030.


If you don’t think it’s coming, look to the history of the Left.


Mayor Adams said:

New York City is leading the world when it comes to combating climate change, because we’re using every option on the menu in our fight—and that includes changing our menus, too.

This new emissions report shows us that plant-powered food isn’t just good for our physical and mental health, but good for the planet as well. We’ve already made great strides in reducing our food emissions by leading with plant-based meals in our public hospitals and introducing Plant-Powered Fridays in our public schools.

Now, we know we need to go further. That’s why today, we’re committing to reducing the city’s food-based emissions at agencies by 33 percent by 2030 and challenging our private sector partners to join us by cutting their food emissions by 25 percent in the same time period.

Our “private sector partners”?

If you think that this is just going to affect public school students and patients in hospitals, you’ve got another thing coming.

Mandates will come to restaurants and then grocery stores.

Also, expect food accused of carbon emissions to be taxed appropriately.

First, they’ll starve the elderly. It always seems to start with children, the sick and the elderly. Probably because they’re the most vulnerable.

New York City Department for the Aging Commissioner Lorraine Cortés-Vázquez said:

In Fiscal Year 2023, the New York City Department of Aging served nearly 3 million nutritious meals to older New Yorkers, and under Mayor Eric Adams we continue to make changes to these programs to reduce the negative environmental impact they have.

No more meat, chickens, fish, eggs or milk (you can’t afford them anyway and that’s the plan).

The new inventory shows that 20 percent of New York City’s greenhouse gas emissions come from household food consumption—primarily from meats, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy products.

Comrades, let us starve and eat soy together so that the planet may thrive.

U.S. Representative Jerrold (No-Nads) Nadler said:

Fighting the climate crisis requires a comprehensive, all-of-the-above approach to reducing carbon emissions in our city.

I’m proud to support today’s commitment which will reduce food-based carbon emissions by 33 percent while also engaging the private sector to do their part.

Together, these initiatives will bring New York closer to fulfilling the carbon-neutrality goals of the Paris Agreement.

Just wait until the “private sector” does its part to eliminate meats, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy the way it’s doing its part to push critical race theory in the workplace and sexual grooming into public schools.

Enjoy your soylent green. Don’t ask what it’s made of. The important thing is it’s saving the planet.

Final thought: Have these idiotic radical leftists pushed We the People far enough yet?