The Same Cult of Peace for Which the Left Protests in America—Moslem Mob Torched a ‘Tourist’ Alive in Pakistan

Visit Pakistan at your own risk. Not for the faint of heart, radical Islam is a danger of which to beware.

This from

[WARNING: This article contains graphic images.] 

We the People are sadly astounded how liberal women, especially those of the hyper-feminist mold, can back a religion that brutalizes its female population.

Unless they’ve existed under rocks since 1979, they must know that if Me Too were to ever become a thing in the moslem world, the women would be stoned to death after making the accusation.

Life in the moslem world can best be described as a return back to Medieval times. Each time this cult of peace rears its ugly head mutilation and horrific death follow.

[R]adical Islam is the mother lode of bad ideas.

A rabid moslem mob burned a ‘tourist’ to death for allegedly desecrating the Quran (via BBC):  

A quick review:

The tourist was dragged from a police station and killed by a mob in north-west Pakistan after being accused of blasphemy.

The police had been attempting to protect the man from the large group in the town of Madyan, a town in Swat district.

The mob had gathered after the man was accused of desecrating the Quran, Islam’s holy book, on Thursday.

Lynchings are not uncommon after an accusation of blasphemy, which is punishable by death in Pakistan.

Video of this latest incident has prompted outrage on social media in Pakistan. Footage shows the man’s body being paraded through the streets and then set alight.

Police confirmed that the tourist had been ‘torched’ and some 11 people were injured in the incident.

There are supposedly legal cases being opened on everyone involved in this brutal murder. But let’s get serious, here! Of course, the murderers will  get away. This is Pakistan. Any case which the local police have opened up about this event will vanish when the outrage dies down.

This type of mob justice is not an anomaly. A Christian man was attacked last month after being accused of burning pages of the Quran. He died shortly afterwards.

Final thoughts: Catholic elementary school with nuns as teachers is no comparison to the brutal justice of a moslem mob. Travellers beware.