Retail Giant Waves the White Flag on Woke—Conservatives Just Forced a Major Turnaround

Like a ship changing course to avoid an iceberg, one major company just made a sudden shift away from woke policies—and just in the nick of time.

This from

After years of leftist ideology being forced upon the American public by the government and elitist private businesses, We the People have found a way to fight this oppression. The efforts to artificially transition American culture, literally by force, have largely failed.

Go woke, go broke.

The saying has become a rallying cry in the revolt against this forced cultural evolution. People are supporting political candidates to take on the woke government, and they are speaking loud and clear.

One of the strongest demographics in the country is the rural population. Hard-working people don’t take kindly to being told what to do, and they won’t spend their money at places that do not align with their values. Add in the fact that they are skilled in spreading the word through social media, and they can force change in billion-dollar retail companies.

From The Daily Wire:

Tractor Supply, a rural retailer known for selling farming equipment, announced on social media this week that it was reversing course on woke initiatives after facing backlash from conservative activists online.

Andrew Surabian, a top adviser to Donald Trump Jr., posted on X:

This is a huge win and proof that major brands are recognizing that going woke is bad for business—a big change from 5 years ago.

Credit to Tractor Supply for changing course and doing the right thing.

Tractor Supply’s about-face was a bold statement in today’s woke culture. The company did not just play up the change in attitude in a marketing campaign:

Tractor Supply took strong actions against woke ideology.

The company listed the following actions to change course:

– No longer submit data to the Human Rights Campaign,

– Refocus our Team Member Engagement Groups on mentoring, networking, and supporting the business,

– Further focus on rural America priorities including ag education, animal welfare, veteran causes, and being a good neighbor and stop sponsoring nonbusiness activities like pride festivals and voting campaigns,

– Eliminate DEI roles and retire our current DEI goals while still ensuring a respectful environment, and

– Withdraw our carbon emission goals and focus on our land and water conservation efforts.

Those are bold plans considering the massive pressure exerted by leftists demanding companies bow to all things woke or be ostracized from acceptable norms dictated by those in power from the White House to the stock market.

Tractor Supply officials said they:

[W]ill refocus company support on all that helped them build the company. This includes continuing and renewed support for conservative causes such as…


[V]eteran causes, emergency response, animal

shelters, state fairs, rodeos, and farmers markets.

The company said in a statement:

We have also invested in the future of rural America.

We are the largest supporter of FFA and have longstanding relationships with 4-H and other educational organizations.

Tractor Supply’s renewed commitment to listening to its customers and earning their trust seemed genuine, which is what their millions of customers across rural America wanted.

The company said:

Every day, our 50,000 Team Members take care of our customers like family.

We deeply value our relationship with our customers and the communities we call home.


Going forward, we will ensure our activities and giving tie directly to our business.

And to these actions by Tractor Supply, Americans say, “Welcome home.”