Turkey Declares Hijab Mandatory, ‘Commandment of Allah,’ Debunking Left’s ‘Personal Choice’ Lie (Video)

Coming SOON to a city near you: Sharia Law.

This from rairfoundation.com.

Turkey’s Religious Affairs Directorate (Diyanet), which controls 90,000 mosques globally and employs 140,000 people, mandated that women must cover their entire body except for the face, hands, and feet, asserting that veiling is an Islamic command, not a personal choice.

What this means is the mask has come off, and the

facade of the Left-Islamic alliance has been removed.

The insistence that Islamic dress for women is a matter of modesty and personal choice has been debunked by a top Islamic authority.

Now will the mass propaganda media report this truth?

Or will the Left continue to assist Islam

in its quest for dominance in the West?

The latest breaking news from Turkey reveals a troubling reality:

[The] state institution’s proclamation exposes the oppressive nature of the hijab within Islamic doctrine and practice, directly contradicting the narrative often propagated by [moslem] and left-wing apologists in the West, who insist the hijab represents modesty, personal freedom, and choice.

In this sermon, which is read in all mosques across Turkey and published on the Diyanet’s website, it was explicitly stated:

For women, the areas that must be covered when in the presence of strange men and when going out of their homes are the entire body except the face, hands, and feet.

For men, it is between the navel and the knees. [Furthermore, it asserted,] It should not be forgotten that veiling is, first and foremost, a commandment of Allah and not a personal choice.

This directive from the Diyanet, a state institution with a budget exceeding that of many ministries, is not merely a local issue. The Diyanet’s influence extends globally, reaching all mosques under its control in Western nations, including Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, Belgium, and the United States. This message, now being propagated through thousands of mosques, highlights the broader Islamic agenda to enforce Sharia norms and suppress individual freedoms.

NOTE: According to prominent former Islamic jurist Sam Solomon, one of the methods of achieving global Islamic dominance is a strategy called “Hijra.”

This strategy involves two main components:

– moving [moslems] to non-[moslem] lands to make them Islamic, and

– increasing the degree of Islamic adherence in whatever place they happen to be.

Often, the degree of Islamic adherence is dictated by a central religious authority such as Diyanet or Muslim Brotherhood-run Islamic centers and sent out to regional mosques for implementation. This is why, in many Western cities, we wouldn’t see any hijabs or niqabs one week, and the next week, they would be everywhere.

This pattern has been observed in the Netherlands, Austria, Belgium, and the United States.

Diyanet operates through local mosque networks, spreading conservative Islamic teachings and discouraging integration into Western societies.

In the Netherlands, Diyanet’s network of mosques and religious leaders promote conservative Islamic teachings, discouraging integration into Dutch society.

In Austria and Belgium, Diyanet’s reach infiltrates [moslem] communities, spreading radical ideologies and discouraging integration into Western societies.

In the United States, Diyanet operates through mosques and religious centers, subtly spreading its conservative messages and forbidding integration.

Despite the Western media’s portrayal, the hijab is not a symbol of personal freedom. It is a tool of oppression used to enforce Sharia law and control women.

In Islamic communities in the West, women who refuse to wear the hijab or adopt Western lifestyles face severe consequences, including ostracism, violence, and even honor killings. Numerous instances of Islamic girls being murdered by their families for refusing to wear the hijab or becoming too “Westernized” highlight the grim reality of this so-called “choice.”

Europe may be lost, but America must not allow any further propagation of the dangerous narrative of the hijab as a personal choice to gain any further foothold in our culture. The Liberal acceptance of this lie is societal suicide and serves only to embolden those who wish to impose Sharia Law on us.

We the People MUST stand firm against this threat and protect the freedoms and values that define our way of life.