Kamala Served Impeachment Articles—She’s Charged Over Immigration Law and Misleading on Biden

Within minutes of Joe Biden’s Sunday withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race, the Left was already anointing Kamala Harris as his replacement.

This from thepatriotjournal.com.

This was undoubtedly a dream come true for someone like Harris, who failed miserably to garner virtually any support whatsoever in her only previous run for president.

Unfortunately for Harris, however, this dream has quickly turned into a nightmare. On Wednesday morning, a House Republican lawmaker announced that he is filing articles of impeachment against Harris.

Rep. Andy Ogles (R-TN) has decided to take this action for two reasons:

[F]irst, Harris’ mishandling of the border crisis, and second, what he believes is her coverup of Biden’s mental decline.

These impeachment articles will undoubtedly be enough to bring Harris crashing down to earth—at least emotionally—after days of riding the high of potentially being the communist/globalist presidential nominee.

From Fox News:

Rep. Andy Ogles (R-TN) is accusing Harris of breaching public trust and of willfully refusing to uphold U.S. immigration law in two impeachment articles, obtained by Fox News Digital.

The former article on public trust accused Harris of having ‘knowingly misled the people of the United States and the Congress of the United States, principally to obfuscate the physical and cognitive well-being of the President of the United States, Joe Biden.’

This comes as an increasing number of Republicans are demanding answers over just how much Harris and other top officials knew about Biden’s alleged cognitive decline. For years, they claimed there was absolutely nothing wrong with Biden. They claimed that any rumors about his alleged mental failings were simply rightwing conspiracy theories.

In the wake of last month’s horrendous presidential debate, however, even the most devoted liberal Kool Aide drinkers could see there is indeed something wrong with Biden mentally. His decline has become so obvious that believing Harris and other members of his regime were unaware is impossible. If this can be proven, Harris and her fellow Biden officials must be held accountable.

Then there is Harris’ egregious mishandling of the border crisis. One of the few tasks that Biden actually gave Harris early in his pretendency was that of becoming his “border czar.” The mass propaganda media is already busy helping Harris to separate herself from that neglected tasking.

While Harris travelled to central America to try to discern the “root cause” of the border crisis, countless migrants continued to surge into this country illegally. The border crisis has only gotten worse in the years since. This shows that Harris effectively did nothing border-crisis related.

More from Fox News:

Kamala Devi Harris has demonstrated extraordinary incompetence in the execution of her duties and responsibilities, a stark refusal to uphold the existing immigration law, and a palpable indifference to people of the United States suffering as a result of the ongoing southern border crisis in the United States, the impeachment articles state.

During her tenure as the designated border czar, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency ‘encountered’ nearly 302,000 illegal aliens at the southwest border in December 2023, the highest monthly total ever recorded and representing 4 consecutive months of over 240,000 illegal alien ‘encounters.’

These articles of impeachment will likely amount to nothing beyond the House, however, their existence may very well serve as a fly in the ointment at least. They will send a clear message to Harris and to those who support her that she is not as capable as she is being presented to be.

In the days since Biden dropped out, the Left and the mainstream media have deified Harris. They’ve behaved as if she is the highest qualified candidate to ever run for president.

May We the People be fully reminded of Harris’ many failings that have led to her being one of the least popular vice presidents of all time.

May Kamala Devi Harris be exposed to the world by these impeachment articles.