Biden To Announce His Radical Plan to Make Sweeping Changes to SCOTUS This Week

Joe Biden (Read: Barrack Hussein Obama) is expected to announce a proposal outlining several radical changes to the Supreme Court during a trip to Texas on Monday.

This from

According to Politico:

Biden’s plan is likely to include term limits for justices and an enforceable code of ethics, as well as a constitutional amendment to limit presidential immunity.

This proposed amendment comes in response to the Supreme Court’s July 1 ruling that protected presidents from prosecution for “official acts” during their term, a decision involving the witch-hunt of former President Donald Trump.

Such drastic measures to overhaul the Supreme Court are viewed by Conservatives as a dangerous move towards consolidating power and diminishing our system of checks and balances.

Fortunately, the prospect of a constitutional amendment and new legislation faces significant obstacles, however, the initiative reflects the inability for the communist/globalist crime syndicate to cope with the court’s recent decisions, which they see as a challenge to their absolute control—their “democracy.”

From Politico:

Biden is likely to endorse establishing term limits for justices and an enforceable code of ethics, in an announcement that represents a remarkable shift for a president who had long resisted calls to overhaul the high court.

He is also expected to push for a constitutional amendment limiting immunity for presidents and certain other officeholders, in a response to the court’s July 1 ruling that presidents are shielded from prosecution for ‘official acts’ during their time in office, in a case brought by President Donald Trump.

The specifics of the proposal remain unclear and could still change, said the people, who were granted anonymity to discuss internal planning.

The ongoing debates underscore a broader ideological battle over the extent of power each branch should wield. Leftists advocating for these reforms are seeking to reshape institutions to align more closely with their policy goals, potentially reshaping the landscape of American governance.

This ambition reflects a deep-seated belief that reforms are essential for achieving a more equitable and just society, even as it raises concerns about maintaining the balance of power that underpins the U.S. political system.

Final thought: This is more of the never-ending struggle between more government and less government. Conservatives must stand firm because the slide toward more government has been gaining speed.