The Left Ramps Up its Anti-White Bigotry—They Do Not Have Policies or a Plan on which to Run

As presidential election 2024 looms ever larger on the horizon, the desperate Left, saddled with a catastrophe of a candidate, is doubling down on the only tired old strategy it has—smearing their political opponents as racist. And thus, exposing their own anti-white racism in the process.

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First, documentary propagandist Michael Moore (yes, he’s still alive) ecstatically asserted in a recent blog post that under a presidential administration of mixed-race (not black) Kamala Harris, white America “will be shown the door.” What does that even mean? How would that play out? It’s unclear, but what is clear is that the Left and its favorite filmmaker Michael Moore revel in a cultural milieu they created which reeks of open, anti-white racism.

An even more egregious example of anti-white bigotry exhibited by the Left in the last few days was a jaw-droppingly stupid smear of Trump’s vice-presidential running mate J.D. Vance from MSNBC “political analyst” Molly Jong-Fast. What is her background in political analysis? Her parents are feminist novelist Erica Jong and the son of novelist and Communist Howard Fast; Molly made sure to exploit both of those left-wing reputations by hyphenating her last name. Those are her journalistic credentials.

Even The New York Times acknowledges that the Bennington College liberal arts major is a “privileged” amateur. In a profile titled How Molly Jong-Fast Tweeted Her Way to Liberal Media Stardom, the Times observed:

She wasn’t a political expert. But her Trump-era angst found a following among Democrats.


Her rise is a testament to the power of social media, the increasingly blurred lines between armchair pundits and professional commentators, and the opportunism of writers, on the right and the left, who used Donald Trump’s presidency to reinvent themselves. 

So, Jong-Fast is not a political analyst, rather an anti-Trump ideologue. That explains why she seized the opportunity during an appearance on the Morning Joe show on Tuesday to demonize Vance. Jong-Fast was asked to respond to Vance’s viral comments about pushing for more family-supporting policies against the “childless cat ladies” of the Left.

You would think a so-called political analyst would be informed enough to know that Vance is married to the daughter of Indian immigrants, and they have three biracial children. You would also think that a so-called political analyst would be honest enough to ask herself if a white man who marries a non-white woman and has a larger-than-average number of biracial children could legitimately be defined as a white supremacist. But Molly Jong-Fast is not a serious political analyst; she is a left-wing propagandist and hateful smear merchant, which explains her indefensible lie that Vance is a white supremacist.

But a creepily gesticulating Jong-Fast (see the video) was not done piling on the hateful accusations:

This is about great replacement theory racism, right? This is what this is

So don’t misunderstand it for [Vance] wanting more children. He wants a certain kind of racist thing.

Shameful. And slanderous. Vance should demand an apology and retraction from Jong-Fast and Morning Joe, and sue if he doesn’t get them.

If these bomb-throwers in the media have no compunction about jettisoning what little journalistic credibility they have, then they need to at least be punished financially.

By the way, the “great replacement theory” Jong-Fast referred to is the idea that white people in the Western world are undergoing an intentional replacement by non-whites, largely through mass immigration from predominately non-white territories.

Though the Left loudly denounces this concept as a far-right, nationalist conspiracy theory, they also often explicitly admit to looking forward to exactly such an extinction. Note Michael Moore’s giddy claim above, to take just one example, that white America under a President Harris will be “shown the door.” What is that if not reveling in the idea of intentionally replacing white people?

NOTE: Vance and conservatives—generally speaking—are natalists.

Natalists, by the way, is just another term for normal people who value and promote the reproduction of human life, which seems like a reasonable position to take if you think the human race should continue. They value the nuclear family for all races and treasure children as gifts from God, who enjoined us to be fruitful and multiply.

This inflames the Marxist Left; Marx’s explicit aim was the destruction of the nuclear family.

[L]eftists tend to see children as obstacles to personal and career fulfillment. This is one of the reasons infanticide in the form of abortion is the foremost sacrament of the Left.

One of the ways the racist Left tries to delegitimize and deconstruct the nuclear family is by linking it to white supremacy. George Mason University Professor Bethany Letiecq wrote earlier this year:

[M]arriage fundamentalism—[the espousal of the superiority of the two-parent married family]—is a hidden or unacknowledged structural mechanism of White heteropatriarchal family supremacy [which perpetuates] family inequality in the United States.

Letiecq believes we need “to disrupt these mechanisms” to “advance family equality and justice.”

Of course, the “disruption” of the two-parent married family has been disastrous for black communities across America, but Letiecq and her fellow leftist travelers  will not address that because they do not care about blacks; their focus is subverting the white nuclear family.

[Imagine] a Voluntary Human Extinction Movement of environmental extremists which posits that human beings are incompatible with the biosphere and should cease reproducing altogether. This [would be] solely a Left-wing lunacy; no one on the Right would subscribe to such a self-loathing worldview.

To review, the Left’s obsession with divisive, racialized politics, and its explicit anti-white racism, are shredding the fabric of this country and of Western civilization in the broader sense.

One more goal of the Trump administration must be to confront and stamp out this hateful ideology wherever it rears its ugly head.

Final thought: We the People can expect President Trump to address this hateful ideology during the run-up to the election.