Obama Is In Charge—It’s No Longer the Kamala Campaign, It’s Now the Barackamala Campaign

Dear Kamala has hired Obama campaign veterans to join the 2024 effort, having replaced Biden loyalists.

This from frontpagemag.com.

One of the great obsessions of some conservatives was that Michelle Obama was going to be brought in to replace Dementia Joe. That never happened and there was no reason that was going to happen.

In fact, Michelle does not want the job and Barack Obama does not want to spend his time in the humiliating Bill Clinton or Doug Emhoff role when he could be seen as a kingmaker and live comfortably in a nicer mansion than the White House.

Obama’s staffers however began a whispering campaign to undermine Biden and panic donors. Then they swooped in to install a woman who makes Michelle Obama seem like Abraham Lincoln.

In that brief interim during which the media began—in response to the second Obama-operated coup d’etat (the stolen 2020 election was the first)—committing sudden acts of journalism, the New York Times reported Biden “considers Rep. Nancy Pelosi, the former House speaker, the main instigator but is irritated at Obama as well, seeing him as a puppet master behind the scenes.”

Dear Kamala—under Obama’s direction—is now pushing out the Biden loyalists who tried to keep him in power and bringing in Obama’s people. Is this not the definition of a bloodless coup d’etat?

According to people briefed on the campaign shifts:

Presumptive presidential nominee Kamala Harris hired a battery of new senior advisers to her campaign this week, moving swiftly to replace lifetime loyalists of President Biden with Democratic campaign veterans, including multiple leaders of Barack Obama’s presidential bids.

To wit:

– David Plouffe, a top strategist on both of Obama’s presidential campaigns, joins Harris as senior adviser for strategy and the states focused on winning the electoral college,

– Stephanie Cutter, the deputy campaign manager for Obama’s reelection who has been working in recent months with Harris, is the new senior adviser for strategy messaging,

– Mitch Stewart, a grass-roots organizing strategist behind both Obama wins, will become the senior adviser for battleground states, and

– David Binder, who led Obama’s public opinion research operation and previously worked for Harris, will expand his role on the Harris campaign to lead the opinion research operation.

O’Malley Dillon said Friday:

This team is a reflection of the vice president. It brings in people who have worked for her a long time, people who have been with her for the last few years of the administration.

During private talks, Obama had repeatedly pressured Biden to bring in his campaign people to run everything.

As usual, the thing they’re assuring you of is

the opposite of the truth. This is Obama’s operation.

There’s no Kamala campaign, it’s the Obama campaign—rather the Barackamala campaign—with an even more feeble and clueless figurehead out front than even Dementia Joe.

If it hasn’t already for most of America, now is the time American politics becomes a spectator sport.

Remember, Dear Kamala has a history of wrecking her own operations.

Her previous presidential campaign fell apart in infighting between her sister and her team. Her Veep office blew up with most of the original team leaving. And the co-chair of her campaign, Tony West, is her brother-in-law which means family will once again be pitted against campaign pros. That was not an issue for the more professional Obama campaigns.

This may very well be the equivalent of a three-ring circus—but no animals, all clowns.

Obama’s people are betting they can work around Kamala, roll out lots of staged pop culture events and faux serious statements while minimizing live media interaction.

So far their aggressiveness has paid off but sustaining that across three months with an idiot candidate who also has a history of narcissistic tantrums and a dysfunctional family is going to get messy.

God speed to the Trump/Vance team.