Dear Kamala Holds Disastrous Detroit Rally, Thousands Left Stranded by Campaign

Dear Kamala has enjoyed a media blitz helping to prop up her miserable image.

However, she is the vice president of a failed regime, and there is no amount of fake news that will get her away from that.

This from

Dear Kamala has assumed the nomination only because Dementia Joe is too impaired to run. Despite all the hype, though, she still has failed to distinguish herself as a leader, and much like Old Joe, her handlers are keeping her away from unscripted events.

Even her rallies and campaign stops stick to deep-blue cities or regions where she is given every opportunity to look like a champion. And her handlers have managed to co-locate her events with music concerts. Attendees being treated to music are haplessly succumbing to Dear Kamala’s word salads afterward.

Yet, even in these “safe” locations, Harris has to perform. And all the spin in the world cannot fix an incompetent candidate and a badly run campaign. Bottom line: Stupid is still unfixable.

And the stupidity was clearly seen during a recent event in Detroit, Michigan. While the city might be considered blue, Michigan is a must-win swing state that could break again for Trump like it did narrowly in 2016. Dear Kamala hosted an event, hoping to win over voters. That’s when she was confronted with a problem that has plagued Dementia Joe for years. And it only got worse from there.

From The Post Millennial:

Vice President and 2024 presidential candidate Kamala Harris was heckled by pro-Palestinian activists during her campaign rally in Detroit. Michigan. Harris told the protestors that their behavior risks handing the presidential election to former President Donald Trump.

The group began chanting, ‘Kamala! Kamala! You Can’t Hide! We Won’t Vote for Genocide!’…

After multiple chants and disruptions, the Democratic presidential nominee said, ‘You know what? If you want Donald Trump to win, then say that. Otherwise, I’m speaking.’

Obviously, she is clueless concerning de-escalation techniques:

1. Listen,

2. Acknowledge,

3. Agree, and

4. Apologize…

At her recent campaign rally in Detroit, Dear Kamala faced a challenging scene which was beyond her limited leadership skills to handle. Amidst her attempts to energize her supporters and emphasize her platform, the rally quickly devolved into a chaotic event marked by hecklers and logistical nightmares.

She took the stage to the applause of her supporters, ready to deliver her speech. However, she was soon interrupted by pro-Palestinian protestors who had infiltrated the rally. Chanting slogans and waving banners, they disrupted Harris’s speech, calling attention to their cause. These pro-Palestinian activists chanted, “Kamala! You Can’t Hide! We Won’t Vote for Genocide!”

This should have been a prime opportunity for Dear Kamala to show off all her leadership skills, right? But without a script she was dead-in-the-mud from the start. And the leadership skills were nonexistent.

Needless to say, she failed, and worse she came off like an “angry, powerless substitute teacher.” Further, Dear Kamala accused the leftist voters—whom she needs to win over—of helping Trump win.

But this debacle was worse than it seemed on the surface. Dear Kamala has been trying to distance herself from Dementia Joe’s pro-Israel reputation. She has tried to win over anti-Israel progressives. If she can’t, she won’t win. Yet, these hecklers proved the far-left still blames The Regime. And Dear Kamala’s response did not go over well for this radical group.

And from this point, Dear Kamala’s performance had nowhere to go but further down.

From Breitbart:

A rally for Kamala Harris in Detroit, Michigan, on Wednesday reportedly ended in disaster with thousands stranded while certain staffers were brought to tears.

According to political scientist Josiah Lippincott, the rally ended with people being unable to find shuttles back to their cars, leaving them stranded.

The logistical fiasco saw staffers struggl[ing] to manage the crowd and the confusion that ensued. Buses meant to transport attendees back to their cars were either delayed or insufficient, leaving many to find their own way home late into the night.

Lippincott noted:

Complete chaos after the Detroit Kamala rally. It has been 2.5 hours and people are still unable to find shuttles back to their cars. Campaign staff has no idea what is happening. Rally was held near a UPS delivery center so dozens of trucks are mixed up with the buses. Tempers are high.

This was a painful expose’ of Dear Kamala’s campaign’s poor planning and incompetence. Whoever organized this event clearly had no idea what they were doing. They picked a venue near a UPS delivery center, not realizing that the trucks would get in the way of the shuttle buses. Not only that, but it looks as if they did not provide enough buses for supporters. These people came all that way to hear their candidate speak. In thanks, Dear Kamala left them stranded for hours.

This could very well sum up the entire Biden/Harris four years:

[Supporters] came to hear

their candidate speak [and were] left stranded.

Dear Kamala supporters who were left in the dust should now rethink their allegiance.

God speed to the Trump/Vance team and to the Take Back of our Constitutional Republic.