It’s the Border, Stupid—Blue City Leaders Are Overwhelmed with Urine and Feces as a Result of Their Sanctuary Status

Leftists were content to ignore the border crisis—until tens of thousands of illegal aliens showed up in their cities.

This from

Large, liberal-run cities have struggled to deal with the tens of thousands of migrants being sent to them from the border.

These liberal leaders have not deported illegal entrants. Nor have they called on Biden to secure the border for good.

NOTE: Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson has become so “stressed out” by the demands of running his big sh*thole city—certainly complicated in large part by the unmanageable number of illegal aliens—he had to seek medical care and has been hospitalized for panic attacks.

Liberal leaders are instead spending millions of tax dollars to accommodate the growing number of illegals. And they want millions more.

And the gift of compassion that keeps on giving—New York residents have begun to reveal how the illegals have “given back” to a city that is bending over backward for them.

From Breitbart:

The multitude of [illegal aliens] flooding New York City have apparently not been cleaning up after themselves in the East Village area…

…workers with the city’s Parks Department have been forced to remove three Port-a-Potties from the nearby park because they were left so dirty it became impossible to keep them clean…

Neighbors and volunteers claimed they have seen cups of urine near the park entrance and “human-sized” feces at the foot of trees and between cars parked in the area. One man claimed the [illegals] have been leaving cups filled with urine on doorsteps because they did not want to relieve themselves on the ground.

In some neighbors, it appears the city is unable to keep the streets clean of human waste—an obvious environmental and health hazard.

This is consistent with other reports coming out of New York and other cities. Communist/Globalist leaders have put [illegals] up in expensive hotels. Subsequently, hotel workers have revealed [the illegals] have destroyed their rooms, or worse.

The inconvenient truth seems to be that many of the people jumping the border are only interested in taxpayer-funded benefits. They are not the “hard-working” masses Leftists claimed they were. Instead:

…they are taking benefits and

leaving behind [human] waste and destruction.

Despite this, communists/globalists continue to look for ways to accommodate tens of thousands of illegal aliens. They have not tried to remove them from their cities. Nor have they demanded The Regime close the border and deport the illegals.

Final thought: Again, it’s the border, stupid.