After California Told Store to Remove U.S. Flag, the Business Defied the Ignorant Bureaucracy

The communist/globalist crime syndicate is waging a war against the very foundation of American pride and heritage.

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From attempts to rewrite history to relentless attacks on symbols of patriotism, liberals are determined to undermine the values that have made this country great.

And now, one company’s refusal to back down has put this battle in the spotlight once again.

The Left hates timeless symbols of liberty and patriotism because their 16-Year plan is to diminish our American culture and bring our beloved country to its knees.

The latest skirmish in this ongoing cultural war unfolded in Northern California, where a popular store, Camping World has one of its locations. The business proudly raised a large American flag over its store.

Yet, this American company was told to take down the Stars and Stripes, because the flag supposedly violated the county’s rules. But the company’s CEO refused to submit. Instead of caving to pressure, he proudly sent a message to paper pushers all over the country.

From Fox Business:

A major RV retailer is fighting a Northern California county over its right to display a giant American flag…

‘Camping World’s flagpole was installed with neither a building permit nor planning approval, therefore they are in conversation with the code enforcement division,’ the county said in a statement to the local outlet.

The county feels the flagpole could be dangerous because of its closeness to property lines and the highway. However, Camping World CEO Marcus Lemonis disagreed and ordered the flag to be reinstalled at the location on Monday.

Camping World CEO Marcus Lemonis is standing up to local authorities who ordered the removal of a massive American flag. Yes, an American company has been told to take down the Stars and Stripes, all because it violates some county ordinance. But Lemonis is proudly keeping the flag flying high, and in doing so, he is sending a powerful message:

You cannot erase American pride.

The flag in question is not just any flag—it is a large symbol of freedom that can be seen for miles around. To Lemonis, it represents everything that makes America special.

He said:

It’s symbolism about how we feel about this country. We have a lot of veterans who work for us, and a lot of veterans who shop with us.

[T]he flag is a tribute to veterans and active-duty service members.

Obviously, though, this sentiment does not carry much weight with the local bureaucrats who seem to be more interested in enforcing regulations than serving the public and honoring patriotism.

This is not just about one flag, though. It is part of a broader effort to erode America’s heritage and dilute the pride that so many of We the People feel for our beloved country. We have seen it in the push to tear down statues of our Founding Fathers and in the attempts to rewrite history textbooks to paint America as a villain.

Not to mention relentless attacks on anyone who dares to show their love for this nation. The left is determined to reshape America in its own image, and that means tearing down the symbols and traditions that have united us for generations.

But patriotic Americans are not backing down.

And Camping World has won its fight. After news broke about the flag, the county scrambled to respond. It claimed it never asked the store to take down the flag. The county is now issuing a building permit for the flagpole.

Final thoughts: Hopefully, the asshat who was such a stickler for the ignorant rules has learned a lesson about helping and serving rather than hindering.