Breakfast For The Brain Weekend Edition

Have a great weekend Deplorables!

From Occupy To AOC: The Rise Of The New Progressives, Part 3

Via The Federalist

AOC, as she is now known, did not come out of nowhere. She came out of the Justice Democrats PAC that was formed days after Trump’s inauguration. Chakrabarti, her current chief of staff, was a leading force behind her candidacy. Ocasio-Cortez immediately became a superstar in the Democratic Party, and when the Democrats swept into the House after their 2018 midterm victories, she, along with Rep. Ilhan Omar and Rep. Rashida Tlaib, who are also aligned with Justice Democrats, became the face of the victory: young women of color speaking truth to Trump’s power.

In a mere six years, the New Progressives had gone from a small encampment in lower Manhattan to seating congresswomen. But the telegenic, witty, and Twitter-savvy AOC, while supporting the Occupy agenda down the line, added a new and important twist. A laser focus on climate change as the animating principle of the movement.

At Occupy, the environment was a subsidiary issue to capitalism, since once capitalism was defeated, it was assumed better environmental practices would ensue. Ocasio-Cortez saw that as exactly backwards. In her version, climate change, which she claims we have only 12 years to solve before the world is doomed, is the catalyst for anti-capitalism and anti-corporatism. Trump had Flight 93; AOC has threats of an apocalypse if the New Progressives’ agenda is not adopted.

We see this at work her Green New Deal, which is more New Deal than green. Her proposal requires government takeover of huge swaths of the private sector and control of American citizens’ choices. Not, as was argued by Occupy, because it is the moral and just thing to do, but because if we don’t the world will be destroyed.

Read the entire article HERE.

Socialism The Millennial Fly Trap 

By Ian Garrison

My male liberal friend is your typical Bernie Sanders supporter. He also happens to be a millennial. Why millennials worship Bernie Sanders is because of three things: entitlement, envy, and equality. These three E’s have ruined my generation. (as someone who was born in 1990, I know very well how millennials behave and act).

Let’s start with entitlement. My male liberal friend, whom I won’t name, is extremely entitled even though his lifestyle suggests a C- in the grade book of life. But by god, he deserves that A+ because he said so.

Liberals, especially the ones that reside in Seattle, love their Bernie. He’s their man, their savior, someone who will rescue them from a terrible lifestyle made of their own choice. They think they are entitled to a comfortable life. (Something that is harder and harder to achieve these days)

But instead of working for it and actually applying their brain cells, they would rather smoke weed, drink beer, and point at the rich guy and scream, “I deserve that!” Well my male liberal friend, if you want to be that rich guy, you’re going to have to work hard, but not only that, work smart—globalism has opened the gates of fierce world competition, where everyone is pitted against each other to become “that rich guy” in their passion.

But nah bro, that’s too hard they say. Often enough, you will get the typical liberal response: “It’s because they’re racists, misogynists, sexist!” These liberal millennial types just want to sit back in the game of life—because that’s what they really think life is, a game, where cheat codes can be applied at any second.

Someone just has to come along and invent that cheat code. And that’s exactly how they view Bernie Sanders as, a big giant cheat code that can be applied in life, however miserable, bland, and empty that life may be. So here comes big Bernie Sanders spewing entitlement and equality for all, smearing his words with a congealment of envious and pretentious slime. Why? It’s because we humans still act on emotion. It’s far easier to rile up people with emotions. Being successful this day and age requires logic, belief, and sacrifice. Many choose to not be successful because it’s hard.

Read the entire article HERE.

China’s Scary Social Credit System Made in USA by Google and Facebook

Via PJ Media

With Mao’s Great Leap Forward (1958-1962), it became increasingly clear China was a totalitarian police state willing to do almost anything to advance its aims. That attempt to forcefully move from an agrarian to a socialist industrial society cost tens of millions of Chinese lives. One historian’s estimate runs to a staggering 56 million deaths for that period alone, making Mao easily the greatest mass murderer of all time. After that came the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (more millions of deaths and countless other lives shattered) and, of course, what we all witnessed on Tiananmen Square in 1989, government tanks plowing into democracy protestors.

These days, however, the Chinese communists have become more subtle in the control of their populace. They are in the process of instituting a social credit system.

China has a radical plan to influence the behavior of its 1.3 billion people: It wants to grade each of them on aspects of their lives to reflect how good (or bad) a citizen they are. Versions of the so-called social credit system are being tested in a dozen cities with the aim of eventually creating a network that encompasses the whole country. Critics say it’s a heavy-handed, intrusive and sinister way for a one-party state to control the population. Supporters, including many Chinese (at least in one survey), say it’ll make for a more considerate, civilized and law-abiding society.

That one survey is backed up anecdotally by NBC’s Janis Frayer, who made an interesting video inside China about this new system that allows the state to monitor technologically virtually every aspect of a person’s life and reward or punish him or her accordingly. Frayer opines in the narration: “What’s weird is people seem okay with it.” (It wouldn’t have seemed so weird if she had been in the PRC in 1979, as I was, and seen an entire country in blue pajamas.)

But where did this ability to control such a giant country come from in the first place? As Pogo would say, I have seen the enemy and he is us! Namely, Google, Facebook, YouTube, Apple, Oracle, Intel, Cisco, and all those other American high-tech companies eager to get a piece of the fat Chinese pie.

Read the entire article HERE.

Oberlin College Ordered to Pay Bakery $11.2 Million for School-Sponsored Racism Witch Hunt

Via PJ Media

A major legal victory was handed to Gibson Bakery in Oberlin, Ohio, on Friday. The family-owned business was embroiled in a #FakeNews scandal and accused of racism in 2016 by the powerful Oberlin College.

The incident that launched the destruction of the Gibsons’ business began when a black Oberlin College student entered the bakery and tried to buy alcohol with a fake ID and attempted to shoplift. Allyn Gibson, who is white, followed the student out of the store and an altercation ensued with two other black students who beat the elderly store owner while he lay on the ground. Gibson was found to have acted within his rights as a store owner and the three students, Jonathan Aladin, Endia Lawrence, and Cecelia Whettstone, plead guilty to aggravated assault. But that’s not where the story ended.

In this racially charged culture, students at Oberlin ginned up hate mobs to accuse the bakery of “racism.” This destroyed the bakery’s reputation and cut their business in half.

Instead of getting to the bottom of the incident, Oberlin cow-towed to race hustlers at the school and issued a libelous statement that was responsible for the destruction of a family name and business.

Student protests broke out and libelous flyers were posted all over campus declaring Gibson’s a racist business.

Read the entire article HERE.

Liberals Cry Censorship After YouTube Demonetizing Frenzy Hits SPLC Content

Via The Daily Caller

Liberal activists are crying foul after YouTube’s demonetizing frenzy slammed the Southern Poverty Law Center, an organization known for labeling conservative groups as hate groups.

A video SPLC published was among those nixed after YouTube announced plans Wednesday to remove videos and content that promote white supremacy. Journalist Max Blumenthal lashed out at the company after the video, which reports on Holocaust denialism, was pulled for violating the new policy.

“In @YouTube’s political purge, my video report for the @splcenter exposing Holocaust revisionist David Irving as a fascist and fraud historian was removed. This purge has already gone well beyond its stated aim. It is carpet bombing style censorship,” Blumenthal wrote on Twitter Friday.

YouTube used the new policy to demonetize conservative commentator Steven Crowder, citing several inflammatory statements he directed at Vox writer Carlos Maza, who posted several tweets before the policy change urging the company to deplatform Crowder.

Heidi Beirich, director of the SPLC’s Intelligence Project, mirrored much of Blumenthal’s concerns. YouTube needs to weed out bad actors from those who are trying to call out racism and white supremacy. She blamed a sloppy algorithm for the problem.

Read the entire article HERE.

Alleged ‘Antifa’ member arrested after attempting to CHAIN LOCK College Republicans inside room

Via Campus Reform

Police arrested and charged with disorderly conduct Wednesday a masked individual who attempted to chain the door of a University of Washington-Seattle College Republicans meeting.

The group’s last meeting of the spring term featured a guest speech by the hosts of Operation Cold Front, a local conservative YouTube channel known for man-on-the-street style videos.

“A few days before the event, we received a tip that Antifa was calling for people to come disrupt the meeting, but we weren’t too worried about that since that type of thing happens all the time,” UW College Republicans President Chevy Swanson told Campus Reform.

Indeed, the local Antifa Facebook page features a direct call to “deplatform” the specific event.

“There’s space for 100 or so people, but for those who show up, some useful tactics might [be] to sit in using large items that take up additional seats, maybe with headphones in so you don’t have to hear their garbage, or noise demo tactics such as whistles to make it difficult for them to speak over,” the post read.

“About 45 minutes into the event, a man in a mask comes up to the main window and starts trying to tie a chain around the door handles,” Swanson told Campus Reform. As soon as Swanson realized what was happening, he says he leapt out of his seat and pushed the door open before the perpetrator could successfully lock the door from the outside.

Read the entire article HERE.

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