We the People can tell when someone accurately nails a politician by the way no one comes to their defense.
This from townhall.com.
Most consultants will say you should not allow an attack to go unanswered, but those are generally false attacks. When someone rhetorically punches a candidate in the nose, the guilty slinks away and hopes the issue fades. If that candidate is attacked unfairly, the airwaves are flooded with friends and colleagues—quickly provided by the campaign—to defend them. That no such defense of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz has been forthcoming on the stolen valor allegations, says all We the People need to hear.
None of the soldiers who served with or under Walz during his time in the National Guard, especially the end of his career when he abandoned his troops and took a demotion to avoid deploying to Iraq, have come to his defense.
If the Dear Kamala/Tampon Tim campaign could refute what someone like John Kolb, “a former battalion commander of Tim Walz’s National Guard unit,” has said, they would. They cannot have someone out there, someone with authority, saying:
I do not regret that Tim Walz retired early from the Minnesota Army National Guard, did not complete the Sergeants Major Academy, broke his enlistment contract or did not successfully complete any assignment as a Sergeant Major. Unwittingly, he got out of the way for better leadership.
Moreover, Kolb concluded his post in Walz this devastating way:
By all accounts and on the record, he was a competent Chief of Firing Battery/Gunnery Sergeant and First Sergeant. I cannot say the same of his service sitting, frocked, in the CSM chair. He did not earn the rank or successfully complete any assignment as an E9. It is an affront to the Noncommissioned Officer Corps that he continues to glom onto the title. I can sit in the cockpit of an airplane, it does not make me a pilot. Similarly, when the demands of service and leadership at the highest level got real, he chose another path.
Brutal, especially at the end.
What We the People have not seen is anyone defending Walz, someone who actually served with Walz.
The usual suspects have—political talking heads and ‘cable news contributors,’ not only didn’t serve with him, but likely never thought of him before he was named as the VP nominee. Not that that matters to the [Leftists] defending him, they’re only following orders, something [the Left] are used to.
And We the People must fully expect the communist/globalist think tank is busily hunting for someone, anyone, who served in the National Guard with Walz to come out and defend him. That they have not found anyone yet is an indication of one of two things: They have only found people who are really shy, or they cannot find anyone willing to do it.
And this tells us all we need to know:
Over the course of 24 years, there’s no one willing to defend Walz from any of it[.] No one who served to speak of his character[.]
No, if Tim Walz were anything close to the soldier, to the man, he and Dear Kamala have built him up to be, he would have had a battalion of men and women lining up to defend his honor the second anyone questioned it.
And We the People are not surprised. In fact, the VP choice of Tim Walz has “intentional sabotage” by the communist/globalist crime syndicate written all over itself.
Final thoughts: I’m gonna go out on a limb here and predict the Harris/Walz team will be dumped in total next week at the DNC and if not then, sooner than later.
My rationale: This masquerade cannot continue indefinitely. We the American people are wise to this fake campaign consisting of photoshopped pics of miniscule rallies and the co-locating of their rallies with music concerts to get people to attend.
Will we see Big Mike emerge from the seven-tiered passion cake?