The Regime’s Food Inflation Fix Is Quickly Branded By Experts as Soviet-Style Price Controls

Dear Kamala has often been in the spotlight for her role in The Regime’s economic decisions.

Her track record includes casting the tie-breaking vote that pushed the American Rescue Plan through the Senate.

This from

Many argue that her vote set the stage for the inflationary woes plaguing the nation today. Now, in a twist that few saw coming, Dear Kamala is doubling down on her approach to the economy, but not in the way anyone might have expected.

Her idea is so bad that critics were quick to point

out what she will do to the country’s food supply.

From Daily Wire:

Vice President Kamala Harris was slammed on Wednesday evening after her campaign announced she would be revealing leftist price control measures to reign in inflation…

Harris will ‘impose stiff penalties in the food industry,’ the campaign said…

‘Kamala Harris is literally proposing price controls on food,’ said RealClearPolitics senior writer Mark Hemingway. ‘This is literally what the Soviets did and the results will be scarcity and higher costs.’

NOTE: The failed economic strategies of the Soviet Union with federal price controls on groceries is a proven mistake, unless, of course, Dear Kamala is following Obama’s 16-Year plan that includes drastically reducing the population of the U.S.

Yes, you read that right—price controls, a policy straight out of the failed socialist playbook. Less available products, higher prices, and poor nutrition or outright starvation by tens or hundreds of thousands of people. Mistakenly, Dear Kamala is trying to pass off this drastic measure as being necessary to combat what she and The Regime have dubbed “corporate greed” in the food industry.

But critics aren’t buying it. RealClearPolitics senior writer Mark Hemingway didn’t mince words, pointing out that:

Kamala Harris is literally proposing price controls on food… This is literally what the Soviets did, and the results will be scarcity and higher costs.

The comparison isn’t just hyperbole—it’s a historical fact that government-imposed price controls have often led to shortages, as businesses struggle to meet demand at artificially low prices.

Helen Raleigh, an immigrant from communist China, took to social media to share her firsthand experience with the dangers of such policies:

Government-imposed price control is a terrible idea because it makes the economy worse by causing shortages.

Everyone who survived socialism/communism knows this: if the store shelves are empty, it doesn’t matter how low the government claims the price of bread is.

Dear Kamala’s plan not only drew ire from economic experts but also sparked a wave of mockery online. Republican strategist Matt Whitlock summed up the sentiment by calling the proposal “absurd,” highlighting the irony:

Harris trying to fix a problem she helped create

with yet another round of government intervention.

David Bernstein, author and keen observer of political theater, chimed in with a sarcastic take:

A federal ban on price gouging! Why didn’t anyone think of that before? We can just order prices to come down by government fiat! What could go wrong?

His point is clear:

[T]his isn’t a serious solution to inflation,

rather a gimmick designed to appeal to voters who

might not fully grasp the complexities of economic policy.

Even within Dear Kamala’s communist/globalist crime syndicate, there are whispers of concern. Some see this move for what it is—another attempt to distract from The Regime’s failures by creating a convenient villain in the form of “greedy corporations.”

But as popular conservative commentator AG noted:

[T]he real issue isn’t price gouging in an industry with razor-thin margins—it’s the broader economic policies that have led us to this point.

In the end, Dear Kamala’s latest policy proposal might do more to solidify her reputation as a politician more focused on optics than substance.

As one observer put it:

Kamala Harris is running a marketing campaign for president that isn’t even attempting to provide any real substance.

Final thought: God speed to the return of Conservatism and Common Sense.