Bad News and Good News: Inflation and Mortgage Rates Rise to Historic Highs BUT Social Security to Be Largest Increase in 40 Years

Joe Biden vowed to “build back better.” Whatever that means.

More recently, he tweeted that he was “building a better America.” Uh-huh.

This from

What does the Obiden Regime actually mean when it directs Joe-Joe to speak these senseless goosebump cliches?

The country is much worse off in all ways measurable than we were two years ago.

Most Americans believe we are on the wrong track. And now, The Regime’s biggest failure is getting worse.

A closely watched measure of U.S. consumer prices rose by more than forecast to a 40-year high in September…

The core consumer price index, which excludes food and energy, increased 6.6% from a year ago, the highest level since 1982, Labor Department data showed Thursday.

Inflation is out of control. And this is forcing the Federal Reserve to take drastic action.

The Regime’s deliberate failure with the economy has resulted in runaway inflation.

The inflation rate is the worst it’s been since 1982–forty years ago.

Inflation came in at 8.2 percent last month. And the rapidly increasing inflation is forcing the Fed to clamp down on interest rates. That move is designed to slow down lending, just to ease inflation.

But it also ends up hurting the economy. With high interest rates, businesses won’t take out as many loans. That means they will have less cash to grow, improve goods and services, and hire staff.

On top of that, would-be home buyers are out of luck. With a 20-year-high interest rate, many buyers will be unable to afford their first home. That only further sinks the economy, as home purchases tend to affect many more industries.

Yet Biden keeps saying he is the “most successful” president in years. Is the man out of his mind?

The following from

There is a single upside to the above-noted bad news—for senior citizens that is. They will be receiving one of the biggest bumps in social security benefits in U.S. history.

Yes, the general cost of living has skyrocketed across the board for all citizens. And this economic downturn has hit seniors very hard, as so many are on fixed incomes. That’s where the COLA element comes into play.

As for the COLA increase, that’s based on the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W), and that jumped 8.5% year-over-year. This drove an 8.7% social security bump.

The number is based on economic stats through the summer months and as a result, senior citizens are getting the largest increase in 40 years.

From Fox Business:

Social Security benefits are set to rise by 8.7% in 2023, the biggest bump in four decades as stubbornly high inflation erodes the buying power of retired Americans, the Social Security Administration said on Thursday.

The increase, known as a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA), is the biggest since 1981, when recipients saw an 11.2% jump. It will increase the average monthly benefit by about $140.

Currently, over 64 million Americans collect Social Security and they will see the amount in their checks increase in January.

In addition to the soaring inflation, the country’s national debt broke $31 trillion for the first time in history, which is cause for serious concern among experts and economists.

Final thoughts: The Obiden Regime has succeeded in destroying the greatest economy in the world, and thereby negatively affecting the entire world economically. Of note, what Obama could not achieve in two lackluster terms, he has achieved in less than two years of his third term with brain-dead Joe-Joe as the figure head.

Leftist prognosticators who seek to obfuscate the obvious are saying The Regime’s reelection chances for 2024 have been severely damaged. Of course, We the People are presently more focused on the November 2022 elections. Of concern is another round of cheating already underway by the communists. And this despite mass propaganda media reports of a midterm Red Wave.

What are we to believe? Certainly not the mass propaganda media.


Think: November Red Wave.