Yet to Come: A Fourth Coup d’Etat from the Same Crime Syndicate That Warns We the People ‘Democracy Dies in Darkness’

Dementia Joe was unceremoniously forced to abdicate from his impending reelection nomination—this was coup d’etat number two.

And since, no hide nor hair of the installed Pretendent. Gone.

This in part from

To review, the first coup d’etat was the 2020 stolen election from President Trump and the emplacement of Dementia Joe and Dear Kamala. Much of America realizes what has been reported by the colluding mass propaganda media is The Big Lie, however, a sizeable minority of Americans believe this was a legitimate election and the coup d’etat was Trump attempting to demonstrate the election’s fraudulency.

NOTE: To the victors go the writing of the history and if the communists/globalists—God forbid—prevail, the story of deceit and election fraud will not be properly told. However, with a Trump/Vance victory will come indictments, prosecutions, and sentences of those involved in treason and coup d’etat. The history of a stolen election will be given freedom to be told.

Now, unlike prior to the June 27 debate, the Left makes no effort to hide Dementia Joe’s debility. Indeed, it accepts the reality that an infirm Joe may not be able to finish out his remaining five months. Yet The Regime still cannot decide whether the nation’s exposure to an installed Dear Kamala prior to November 5 would lend her the advantage of incumbency or (more likely) ensure her defeat given global exposure to her ineptitude.

So, for the present, no one knows who is in charge of the United States.

It is generally believed the three-plus-year consortium headed by the omnipresent Barack Hussein Obama with Jill Biden providing the homecare for the non-compos mentis and invalid presidential pretender husband are calling the shots.

Or is our de facto Commander-in-Chief the new presidential candidate Dear Kamala? She seems ebullient in welcoming to her team both Obama old-hands and Biden defectors eager for new jobs and billets, in ‘The king is dead; long live the king!’ fashion.

If such is the case, the third coup d’etat will be the installment of Dear Kamala and Tiananmen Tim Walz as the pretendent and her vice pretendent. And this installment may very well be anytime soon, given Dementia Joe being deemed unfit by his party bosses and donors to remain its nominee.

[And with] his pro forma act of endorsing [Dear Kamala], he has somehow evaporated in a fashion that has left the White House even more vacant than during the prior three years of customary three-day workweeks.

In the last month amid the frenzy of the Dementia Joe collapse, Dear Kamala’s coronation, and the selection of her running mate Tiananmen Tim, a mute and secluded Kamala—with the fabrication of truth by the colluding mass propaganda media—has made up all the ground Biden had lost as the prior decrepit nominee.

She is flooded with hundreds of millions of dollars in left-wing tech and Wall Street cash. All are eager to donate given their money will no longer be wasted on a sore loser but might now earn something in return from a future president.

So, a silent Kamala is rising in the polls, and once the Biden albatross was cut away the relieved Hollywood/Wall Street/Silicon Valley grandees poured in their riches.

And Dear Kamala has been instructed to copy the “successful tripartite model of the 2020 Biden” steal:

– One, keep the incoherent and cackling away from the public and journalists, and ration even teleprompted and staged speeches,

– Two, erase 30 years of left-wing demagoguery and socialist activism. Replace radical chic with faux-centralism of the ol’ Joe Biden from Scranton sort, and

– Three, count on 70 percent of the electorate not voting on Election Day without serious audit.

NOTE: In shameless fashion, Dear Kamala is now running ads bragging she will hire more border guards, and secure and stop illegal immigration—this from someone who called for ICE to disappear, championed illegal immigration and an open border, and demonized any who sought to secure it. In some sense, she is even appropriating much of the Trump agenda for the next three months.

Her message to the public:

Before June 27, I was for what you, the public, hated and never gave a damn about the consequences. And now I am going to fool you for 90 days into thinking I am your real border czar—on the expectation that I can delude you a third time once you naifs elect me and I destroy the border again.

The Trump challenge then will be to continue hammering Dear Kamala’s extremist record, her dangerous agenda for 2025 and beyond, and her weird, indeed historic refusal to mix it up with journalists and to speak ex tempore.

She knows Biden thrived by remaining mute and when he could not, he crashed in the polls. So, she accepts she too would rather be attacked as evasive, afraid, and cowardly than lose when confirmed as childishly incompetent.

Tiananmen Tim, too, is a gift to the Trump/Vance campaign. In less than a week, the nation has learned:

Walz lied about his military rank, lied that he had deployed to Iraq, and lied that he had carried a weapon in war.

And the more We the People learn about Walz’s record as governor in Minnesota:

[T]he more it trumps even the disastrous tenure of Gavin Newsom in his imploding doom-loop state that Walz apparently saw as a model for a once can-do stable Minnesota.

Add this all up, and the democrat party (communist/globalist crime syndicate) must be able to see they have gone from bad to worse. Yes, Dementia Joe is out of the picture but Dear Kamala and Tiananmen Tim are a pair of grander problems that will not be able to draw the required 20 million votes they need to fraudulently expand into the desired 80-plus million votes.

Thus, we may safely anticipate the scripted demise of the Harris/Walz campaign either during the DNC, 19-22 August, or shortly thereafter. And this then will be the fourth coup d’etat.

We the People can imagine Obama is wracking his brain to pull together proposals for the Super Delegates. Because their rebellion during the DNC will likely bring about the casting aside of Dear Kamala and Tiananmen Tim. But who will be chosen is anyone’s guess, although there is a short list of aspiring ne’er do wells.