Comrade Kamala Claims Price Controls Will Fix Price Gouging, But J.D. Vance Quickly Responded

While speaking in North Carolina on Friday, Dear Kamala attempted to send an economic message to We the American People.

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During this speech, Comrade Kamala addressed the economic struggles that have long plagued Dementia Joe’s America by proposing a ban on price gouging.

This misguided attempt to push communism on our beloved country backfired on Comrade Kamala in a big way. President Trump’s running mate J.D. Vance (R-OH) completely shredded her ridiculous economic plan on Fox News.

While speaking to the Fox News host Shannon Bream, Vance stated that American voters are “much smarter” than Comrade Kamala and her team think they are. He pointed out that she was “proud” to cast the tie-breaking vote in 2022 for The Regime’s Inflation Reduction Act, which many have argued has not reduced inflation at all.

From The Daily Caller, Vance said:

Giving Kamala Harris control over inflation policy, Shannon, it’s like giving Jeffrey Epstein control over human trafficking policy. The American people are much smarter than that. They don’t buy the idea that Kamala Harris represents a fresh start; she is more of the same.

Vance summarized the Harris campaign’s economic argument as ‘forget how good things were’ when Trump was president.

Donald Trump was already president. He already secured the wall, he already implemented tariffs which brought back 12,000 American factories [that] were built during Donald Trump’s administration, and prices were low and take-home pay was high.

Not stopping there, Vance went on to say:

[T]he entire argument of the Kamala Harris campaign boils down to forget how good things were when Donald Trump was president, forget that we had rising take-home pay, forget that we had low inflation, forget that we had peace all over the world.

Check out Vance’s full comments in the video below.

Like many things Trump and Vance present, this is spot on. The Left and the colluding mass propaganda media have teamed up to gaslight the American voters into believing life in Trump’s America was far worse than it has been under Biden. In reality, the complete opposite is true in various ways, particularly regarding the economy.

Trump is a businessman who ran this country like a business. He showed that during his presidency and until the COVID-19 global pandemic, the nation prospered economically. In contrast, Comrade Kamala is a radically liberal career politician who does not know the first thing about creating a good economy. Her focus would be on her own woke agenda and exclude anything to fix the American economy that has fallen into crisis under Biden and her malfeasance.

Once again, J.D. Vance’s latest comments remind us the stakes of this presidential election could not be higher. Any American voter who claims to care about the economy cannot vote for Comrade Kamala in good conscience.