When a Politician Hates Cops, It’s Right for Cops to Hate Him Back—Retired MN State Patrol Lt Reveals a Comrade Tim Walz Woke Truth

Here is another hole in the Left’s already tattered Walz “America’s dad” narrative.

When the Dear Kamala handlers picked Tim Walz as her running mate, Reuters tried to sell We the People the insanity that he is a “plain speaker from the American heartland to help win over rural, white voters.”

Well, that’s Bulls**t.

This from frontpagemag.com.

Now, a retired Minnesota State Patrol lieutenant has come out to tell the rest of the story—the “America’s dad” next door is really a radical Leftist next door.

Fox News reported Thursday that retired Minnesota State Patrol Lt. John Nagel knows the real Tim Walz behind the propaganda smoke and mirrors:

He is not a moderate, he has never been a moderate and here in Minnesota he has been anti-police, he has raised taxes, he is nowhere near being a moderate.

Even worse:

[Walz is] anti-police, defund the police, when you have police families, and we have an officer killed in the line of duty, when that family looks at the governor and says we don’t want you at the funeral. That should tell you a great deal of how law enforcement in general feels about Walz.

Indeed. It also tells us why the left loves him so much and why patriots should regard him as potentially even more dangerous than Dear Kamala herself.

Nagel, according to Fox, said:

[A] major reason law enforcement in Minnesota is unhappy with Walz was his slow response when asked to send in the National Guard as the city burned during the 2020 George Floyd riots, which Walz has faced fierce criticism for since becoming the [communist/globalist] vice presidential nominee.

And why was Walz slow to send in the National Guard?

Nagel said:

We’re hearing this over and over and over again, he let Minneapolis burn. I think he intentionally let Minneapolis burn.

Oh, surely not! Why, surely an American public servant wouldn’t willingly aid and abet the destruction of a major city, would he? Of course, he would. These are, after all, radical leftists we’re talking about.

Nagel recalled:

I think it was all part of a much greater scheme because he truly doesn’t like the police.

[Minnesota Attorney General] Keith Ellison has never liked the police. They have been involved with people who are defunding the police.

Remember also that Walz’s wife Gwen has actually said that she kept her windows open during the riots so that she could inhale the sweet smell of The People fighting for justice:

Again, we had more sleepless nights during the riots. I could smell the burning tires, and that was a very real thing. And I kept the windows open as long as I could because I felt like that was such a touchstone of what was happening.

Nor is Nagel the only person to make this charge against Walz. Rep.

Pete Stauber (R-MN) declard:

Tim Walz let Minneapolis burn for three straight nights without doing anything. And he called the riots, he stated their actions were, this is a quote, ‘righteous anger.’ Hundreds of millions of dollars in damage to family businesses and buildings in Minneapolis.

As a result, Stauber said:

[The] vast majority [of Minnesota police officers remain] disgruntled [with their governor’s] lack of support.

Nagel’s conclusion about Walz was devastating:

He’s power hungry [and] he’s

not doing this for the good of the people.


He’s doing it for the good of himself, and he is going to be [in] lockstep with whatever the Democrats want, and I think it would be, just take a look at Minnesota, he’s ruined Minnesota along with this trifecta of the Democrats. Can you only imagine what he’s going to be able to do with your federal tax dollars? And when North Korea decides to knock on the door, he and his president, are they going to be able to actually handle a national crisis when he couldn’t handle a crisis in Minneapolis?

Given Walz’s far-left proclivities, if North Korea really did decide to “knock on the door,” the vice presidential candidate might well fling it open wide and give Kim Jong-un a hearty “Welcome, Comrade!”

The worst aspect of Walz’s consistently

far-left record, however, is that none

of this will get him dropped from the ticket.

This is where the communist/globalist crime syndicate is these days: To the left of Joseph Stalin and nearly as determined as Stalin was to destroy the capitalist order and crush dissent.

Final thoughts: Tim Walz reflects the image of a ruthless Joseph Stalin—a frightening communist with evil intentions for Minnesota and if given the opportunity for all of America.