Harley-Davidson Has Reversed Their Decision on DEI and Going Woke

Yet another major company has discovered the meaning behind the phrase, ‘Go woke, Go broke.’

This from thepatriotjournal.com.

The motorcycle brand Harley-Davidson is making some big changes to its diversity and inclusion policies after receiving backlash from bikers. On Monday, the company issued a statement clarifying its stance on diversity and inclusion as well as its ongoing commitment to its community.

After receiving backlash for a statement about diversity and inclusion that it posted to social media earlier this year, Harley-Davidson conducted a comprehensive internal review. The goal of this was to ensure that the company’s activities were in line with the needs of both its business and its diverse community.

Translation: Senior management pulled their craniums out of their anal orifices and responded appropriately to the demands of their customers.

From The Daily Caller:

As a result of this review, the company made significant changes, particularly concerning its approach to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI). Harley-Davidson announced it discontinued its DEI function as of April 2024 and no longer operates under DEI guidelines. The company also clarified that it does not enforce hiring quotas or supplier diversity spend goals.

However, Harley-Davidson remains committed to building an employee base that reflects the diversity of its customers and the regions where it operates, believing such diversity is vital to the company’s success.


Woke DEI initiatives have sadly taken over many businesses in The Regime’s America. Companies were forced by their corporate financiers to become more concerned about being woke than they are about producing a quality product, serving their clientele, and making money, Consequently, the American purchasers respond by taking their business elsewhere.

More from Daily Caller:

The company’s renewed focus will be on growing the sport of motorcycling, supporting its loyal riding community and continuing its long-standing tradition of backing first responders, active military members, and veterans.

In line with these changes, Harley-Davidson announced it will no longer participate in the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) scoring system, signaling a shift in how it engages with external organizations.

Furthermore, Harley-Davidson addressed concerns regarding its employee training programs. The company reiterated only legally required training has ever been mandatory for its employees and future training initiatives will be strictly business-focused, free from socially motivated content.

Let us not applaud Harley-Davidson executive management yet. They’re talking the talk and now they must prove they’re walking the walk. Some of us may never forgive you Harley, some may. But if you screw with us again, you’ll be gone.

Other companies thinking about going woke, take note.