Commentary: RFK Jr. Tells Tucker Carlson Who Held Trump Back, ‘Begged’ Him Not to Release JFK Files – ‘I Was Astonished’

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. dropped a bombshell about the 1963 assassination of his uncle, President John F. Kennedy.

This occurred during a discussion with journalist Tucker Carlson in Kennedy’s first interview since dropping out of the presidential race and endorsing President Trump.

This from

In an X interview posted on Monday, RFK Jr. told Carlson:

Mike Pompeo [Trump’s former CIA director] begged the 45th president not to declassify the CIA files concerning the assassination.

Pompeo later went on to become Trump’s secretary of state.

According to Kennedy:

[T]his cover-up was ostensibly done to hide the agency’s involvement in the JFK murder plot.

Carlson said:

In your joint appearance on Friday, President Trump introduced you by saying that he plans to, if elected, establish a commission to declassify the remaining documents around your uncle’s murder in 1963.

And I think everyone at this point knows the truth, which is the CIA is implicated in that. Those documents protect CIA, maybe, among others.

Kennedy replied:

Whether they do or not, it’s odd that they’ve not allowed them to be released.


What could possibly be the explanation?

RFK Jr.:

More than 60 years after my uncle’s death … none of the people who were implicated in that crime are alive now. And the last ones have died off in the last year or two. And so, it clearly is to protect the [CIA]. And that’s wrong.

“Yes,” Carlson said, nodding in agreement.

RFK Jr.:

It’s just wrong. It’s wrong for Democrats, and it’s wrong for Republicans.


It’s just interesting … that a bipartisan list of presidents these six decades have kept those files classified.

RFK Jr.:

I was astonished that Trump didn’t declassify them because he promised to during the [2016] campaign.


That was Mike Pompeo who did that.

RFK Jr.:

Yeah. I talked to President Trump for the first time about that this week. He said that Mike Pompeo begged him to. … He said that Mike Pompeo called him and said, ‘This would be a catastrophe to release these. You need to not do it.’


I want to say again that I think that Mike Pompeo is a criminal. So that’s my view. He’s threatened to sue me for saying that. But I hope he will, because it’s true.


But that kind of tells the whole story right there, right? Why would the CIA be trying to keep these files classified if they had nothing to do with the murder? I don’t really get that.

Watch the entire Tucker Carlson-RFK Jr. interview below:

The JFK assassination has spawned numerous conspiracy theories over the decades as public trust in the CIA and the Washington establishment have tumbled.

The public has been lied to so many times about major events—including the Russian collusion hoax, the coronavirus pandemic, and Joe Biden‘s re-election bid, among others—that it no longer blindly accepts the government’s ‘official’ narratives.

God speed President Trump to victory and the return of America to greatness.