Former AG Bill Barr Buries A Dagger In Trump’s Back

Given Barr’s history, this should come as no great surprise.

It’s now safe to add former attorney general William Barr to the long list of former members of the Trump administration to stab their ex-boss in the back and in the process became exalted heroes of the so-called resistance.

Barr is settling scores with Trump, a man with whom he frequently clashed in remarks provided to Washington Post political hack Jonathan Karl that will be included in his upcoming book “Betrayal” which is set to hit bookshelves in November.

Trump finally exploded on Barr, a media-savvy Cheshire Cat figure when rather than investigate suspicious activity with the vote in multiple states while the trail was still hot, he sat on his hands while Trump fumed and lashed out on Twitter. Barr further sabotaged any official probe into the irregularities and other chicanery by resigning just before Christmas, effectively rolling out the red carpet for the installation of Joe Biden.

The Atlantic magazine which serves as the holy gospel to the East Coast political elite has published a sample from Karl’s book in which Barr is quoted as saying that Trump’s assertion that the election was rigged as being untrue which lends heft from an authority figure to the furious propaganda campaign currently underway to delegitimize the results of the Maricopa County ballot audit that is just wrapping up.

In excerpts from the book published by The Atlantic, said of the idea of election fraud; “It was all bullshit.” No formal investigation was undertaken by Barr’s Justice Department which now under the stewardship of the ghoulish authoritarian Merrick Garland, has threatened to bring a halt to the Arizona audit under the pretense of – you guessed it – it’s racist.

According to the author; “We realized from the beginning it was just bullshit,” Barr told me, noting that even if the machines somehow changed the count, it would show up when they were recounted by hand. “It’s a counting machine, and they save everything that was counted. So you just reconcile the two. There had been no discrepancy reported anywhere, and I’m still not aware of any discrepancy.”

Barr also told Trump that” You keep on saying that the Department of Justice is not looking at this stuff, and we are looking at it in a responsible way. But your people keep on shoveling this sh*t out.”

In another revelation, then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell sought to enlist Barr’s help to stop insisting that he was being robbed of a second term with the Kentucky Republican concerned that he would lose the top spot on the Senate.

“Look, we need the president in Georgia,” McConnell told Barr, “and so we cannot be frontally attacking him right now. But you’re in a better position to inject some reality into this situation. You are really the only one who can do it.” According to Karl’s book.

It should be noted that like the rest of the activist press, Karl had an adversarial relationship with the former POTUS and now he is free to stick it to Trump in what will along with the onslaught of other “tell-all” books is guaranteed to be heavily hyped by the media.

A longtime D.C. fixer, Barr’s most significant accomplishment was to effectively run out the clock, stalling investigations into the Russia hoax, taking a hands-off approach to Antifa and Black Lives Matter domestic terrorists, and serving as a firewall between Trump and the corrupt Deep State.


Perhaps nothing was more important than being in place as the nation’s top law enforcement official to turn a blind eye on election irregularities that bordered on outright fraud.

Barr’s service as Trump’s attorney general is his second stint heading up the Justice Department which he ran back in the early 1990s under George HW “Poppy” Bush when efforts to mop up the Iran-Contra operation during which the members of the security state ran narcotics and arms smuggling out of the airport in Mena Arkansas when Bill Clinton was governor. The Tom Cruise movie “American Made” is a portrayal of the skullduggery a professional fixer like Barr was tasked with cleaning up and according to some accounts, was involved in.

When it comes to major disappointments Barr should be at the top of the list with his only real competition being intrepid prosecutor John Durham whose own investigation of the Russia collusion scam remains up in the air as the “bulldog” has gone missing.

It wasn’t that long when Democrats and the liberal mob were calling for Barr’s head on a pike, today they are singing his praises.

Following the news, Trump issued a statement blasting Barr: “Instead of doing his job, he did the opposite and told people within the Justice Department not to investigate the election,” Trump continued. “Just like he did with the Mueller report and the cover up of Crooked Hillary and RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA, they don’t want to investigate the real facts. Bill Barr’s weakness helped facilitate the cover up of the Crime of the Century, the Rigged 2020 Presidential Election!” But only has himself to blame for being influenced into yet another terrible hiring decision.