A Week Before 9/11, Islamic Terrorists March Through Manhattan

Is this the enemy marching through the streets of our cities to proclaim their victory?

Apparently, no one has told these Jihadists 9/11 was an inside job. But still allowing them to march and take credit for the bloody destruction is nothing less than suicidal insanity.

This from frontpagemag.com.

Could anyone have imagined twenty years ago or even in the darkest days of the Obama Regime that Islamic terrorists would feel free to rampage across the streets of Manhattan waving terrorist flags?

But here we are.

No arrests. No FBI agents knocking on their doors. Despite formal condemnations and press releases, the Jihadists know they have the backing of the communist/globalist crime syndicate and the colluding mass propaganda media. What else do they need?

This is what they’re doing a week before 9/11. Can you imagine what they’ll do on 9/11?

Can you imagine what 9/11 families feel looking at this? The smoke is a deliberate echo of the ash on 9/11.

NYPD officers, unable to take meaningful action, are forced to march along with the Islamic terrorists who are terrorizing NYC.

This has gone far beyond treason.

Any local or national government going along with this is well in Quisling territory.

We’ve not only been invaded, the enemy is marching through the streets of our cities to proclaim its victory.

Final thoughts: Only Conservatism can save us from national collapse. God speed to the Trump-Vance team and to the Take Back of our Constitutional Republic.