Putin Endorses Comrade Kamala—Trump’s Matter-of-Fact Response Tells the Real Story

President Trump is dominating headlines with his bold policies and plans to make America great again (again), however, several endorsements and political shifts of late are leaving We the People scratching our heads and grinning with sardonic humor.

This from thepatriotjournal.com.

The year 2024 has been one of surprising alliances and shifting loyalties. RFK Jr. stunned the political world by suspending his campaign and endorsing Trump, and this sent shockwaves through the Left’s fragile base. Elon Musk throwing large sums of money at the Trump campaign was no small feat either. Even Tulsi Gabbard, the former communist/globalist who took down Comrade Kamala in the 2019 debates, has thrown her support behind Trump. And with these high-profile names backing Trump, it is no wonder the media is buzzing.

While President Trump’s garnering of high-profile endorsements has been noteworthy, the same cannot be said for his recently appointed opponent, Comrade Kamala, who has yet to inspire much confidence with her stumbling speeches and bizarre laughter. Obviously too, she is facing a lot more than just lackluster poll numbers. With the Leftist base still uneasy about her as their backroom-cabal selected leader, strange and questionable support has begun to emerge for her campaign. One endorsement in particular is raising more than a few eyebrows.

But first, let us recall Comrade Kamala has long faced widespread skepticism within her own party as the DEI VP pick selected for her skin color and gender package. Then to make her even more unpopular with the people, she was elevated to the position of communist/globalist figurehead with the removal of Dementia Joe. Now, the Left is stuck with a candidate in Kamala who has managed to make laughing at serious issues her trademark. Unsurprisingly, voters on the Left are discontent and wondering if anyone else will step forward and save the political movement.

From USA Today:

Four years ago, Putin said he preferred then-Democratic nominee Joe Biden over Trump, something he noted when he discussed Harris during an economic conference this week in Vladivostok.

‘We will support her,’ Putin said ahead of the 2024 United States elections, according to published reports, adding: ‘She laughs so expressively and infectiously that it means that everything is fine with her.’

What did he say? Many of us heard:

The laughter of the insane mind means everything is fine in her head, despite all appearances.

Yes, Vladimir Putin has now thrown his support behind Comrade Kamala. And why? Because of her social-anxiety-hiding laugh, of course. Now, seriously, though, the Russian President’s words could not have been meant as a compliment. What is a laugh that expresses social anxiety and perhaps mental illness?

With a more serious look we see Putin, a man who has made it his life’s work to disrupt Western politics, now outwardly endorsing Comrade Kamala to shake the tree, so to speak. And the American voters who paid any attention to this endorsement are wondering which candidate will be helped more.

Certainly, President Trump could not let this bizarre endorsement go without a response. And in classic Trump fashion, his reaction was spot-on.

From Fox News:

‘I don’t know if I’m insulted or he did me a favor,’ Trump said of Putin while outlining economic proposals to a group of New York City and Wall Street officials.

Trump’s response perfectly captured what most of us are thinking: Is Putin trolling us? After years of the Left pushing the Russia collusion narrative, Putin’s open endorsement of Comrade Kamala feels like the ultimate punchline. But Trump, as always, keeps his eye on the ball. While Putin is busy commenting on his opponent’s laugh, Trump is out there discussing real policies—like improving the economy, something The Regime seems to have forgotten.

Looking at Putin’s endorsement from the opposite direction, Trump does not need the Russian’s endorsement? In fact, an endorsement from Putin could actually hurt Trump more than help him. He already has built a reputation as a strong leader who puts America first. Putin’s endorsement of Comrade Kamala, on the other hand, proves what has been said all along: The communists/globalists have lost their way, and they are willing to embrace anyone who will prop up their failing candidates, even if that anyone is Vladimir Putin.

NOTE: This article has purposely excluded mention of the numerous RINOs who have shown their true colors by endorsing Comrade Kamala. More will no doubt follow and perhaps one day a “list of the damned” will make for a sad but entertaining story.

Meanwhile, the Obiden In-Justice Department has been accusing Russians of trying to influence our American politics. As reported:

Russians have allegedly spent $10 million to manipulate conservative platforms and shape public sentiment on the Ukraine war.

So, to review: The Obiden Regime is chasing down Russians for meddling in the election while Putin, the Russian President, is openly endorsing Comrade Kamala. Fact is stranger than fiction.