Spartacus Claims He Is Heterosexual!

Have you ever actually watch the film Spartacus? With all of its half-naked oily men wrestling scenes, it’s one of the greatest works of homoerotic art of all time and the reason why all of those “Gladiator movie” jokes exist. NJ Senator Cory Booker has proclaimed himself “Spartacus” but he wants you to know that he is definitely not gay. No seriously, out of the blue Booker is shouting to anyone who will listen that he is heterosexual. Maybe he thinks this is what people do when they are running for president but more than likely it’s because he’s a kook. reports that Booker suddenly came clean about his sexuality like people were sitting on the edges of their seats to know. The problem as Booker sees it is that he is single and single men don’t usually get elected President of the United States. He has many other issues that will keep him out of the White House, but he thinks this and rumors about him being gay could hurt his chances, so…

“I’m heterosexual. Every candidate should run on their authentic self, tell their truth, and more importantly, or mostly importantly, talk about their vision for the country,” said Booker.

So he’s going to run as straight Spartacus? That’s a novel approach.

He didn’t however specifically address those rumors including one recently where a gay man accused Booker of sexual assault. According to this man, Booker cornered him in a bathroom and tried to force him to perform oral sex. This accusation wasn’t believed by liberals who claim to believe all survivors because the assaulter was a democrat. Had Booker been a Republican he’d already be out of politics.

Luckily for Booker another sexual assault proves his claim of heterosexuality. Back when Booker was in college he wrote a odd piece for the school newspaper in which he admitted to specifically sexually assaulting a drunk underage girl when he was in high school. He also alluded to date raping other women under the influence of alcohol. Again, this was no big deal because of that letter “D” after Booker’s name.

If it seems weird that Booker just blurted out that he’s not gay without being asked about it, that’s because it is. If it weren’t for the multiple times he admitted to sexually assaulting drunk females, this would look suspiciously like a guilty reaction to his hidden homosexuality. I guess it’s possible that he swings both ways or has changed since he was in school. Who knows? Who cares?

Really, this comes off like typical democrat pandering. It’s like Hillary Clinton pretending to be black or Hispanic for votes, only Booker seems like he’s trying too hard to appear straight. The question is, why is he pandering to heterosexual men? Did he forget the official Democratic Party position on straight guys?

The actual issue here is that as a democrat, Booker proclaiming his heterosexuality is problematic. From a liberal perspective, straight men are the enemy and any proclamation of non-gayness marginalizes the LGBT community. Booker may be able to get away with sexual assault, but there’s no way in hell the Gaystapo is going the let this slide.

Booker says that he’s going to talk with his family over the holidays to decide if he’s running for president in 2020, but he’s clearly already thrown his Spartacus helmet in the ring. He’s already campaigning in the early battleground states and his shameless grandstanding during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings was all part of his presidential hopes. That he’s also pandering votes, as weird as it is, shows he’s decided to run.