Trump Approval Spiked During Debate Among Independents—Illegal Alien Crime Did It

Since Tuesday night’s presidential debate, the Left and their colluding mass propaganda media have teamed up to push the narrative that Comrade Kamala absolutely trounced President Trump.

And they’ve gone so far as to say Kamala had such a decisive victory there is no way she can lose to Trump come November.

Finally, the communists/globalists have what they sought by dumping Biden—a candidate who may draw enough votes to make a cheating win possible.

This from

But there is one post-debate statistic the Left is desperately sweeping under the rug. Indeed, Comrade Kamala likely further endeared herself to liberal voters during the debate. These leftists were already going to vote for her before the debate began.

When it comes to Independent voters, however, The Comrade did not do nearly as well as the media would have you believe. In fact, dials monitoring the reaction of a Fox News focus group showed independent voters overlapping with Republicans in support of Trump when it comes to immigration.

From Fox News:

The focus group comprised seven Democrats, five independents and five Republicans, and was represented by blue, yellow and red lines, respectively. When Trump spoke of the rising crime at the hands of illegal immigrants, the yellow line monitoring the independent reaction rose drastically in Trump’s favor, overlapping with the red Republican line.

This came after Trump used the debate to rip into the Dementia Joe-Comrade Kamala Regime for “destroying the fabric of our country” by allowing millions of illegal immigrants to flood our borders. Trump also blamed Biden and Harris for “migrant crime,” something that resonated with Republican and Independent voters alike.

Lee Carter, pollster and president of Maslansky + Partners, admitted she was:

[S]hocked to see the support

for Trump among independent voters.

More from Fox News:

‘I was really, really surprised because the intensity of the independent support was there for Donald Trump and I didn’t expect it,’ Carter said Wednesday on The Faulkner Focus.

Independents are tracking very much with Republicans. They’re looking for a couple of things. They’re looking for answers on immigration, they’re looking for answers on the economy. They want to hear that things will get better for them and they also want change from what is happening right now,’ Carter continued. ‘One of the most important things they were looking for last night from Kamala:’

[H]ow are you going to make it different?

No single debate was ever going to change the bulk of the votes from their own party. This makes the Independent vote extremely important.

Trump and Harris are such polarizing figures it’s hard to believe either of them will be able to win over many voters from the opposing party. Indeed, the vast majority of Republicans and Democrats have already made their decision.

Given how close this race currently appears to be, it seems the election will likely be largely decided by independent voters. That’s why this latest report is incredibly bad news for Harris. She may have been preaching to her own liberal choir with her debate performance.

[T]o independent voters, Kamala is just as unlikable as ever.

This debate was not the decisive victory for Harris the left wants We the People to think it was. Instead, it just might be what seals her fate. In the end, it could be what wins Trump the independent vote and, therefore, the election.

God speed to President Trump.