In-Justice System Protects Terrorist Supporters: Iraq War Vet Attacked by Terror Supporter at Pro-Israel Rally, Is Charged for Self-Defense

The two-tier justice system approach is pervasive in America, particularly involving pro-Israel and pro-Hamas activism.

This from

The absence of equal justice rose up most obviously at UCLA where multiple terror supporters attacked Jewish students and community members.

NOTE: Only when the Jews fought back, was there law-upholding action.

Likewise, at the Adas Torah synagogue attack, where the only arrest made was of a Jewish community members, the absence of equal justice has been consistent nationwide.

The only person arrested for ‘rhetoric’ was a pro-Israel man in New York despite numerous incidents of threats and abuse by terrorist supporters.

Local law enforcement initially tried to bury the killing of a Jewish man at a pro-Israel rally in California. But this incident out of Massachusetts is even worse.

There is clear video of a terrorist supporter, Caleb Gannon, wearing a terrorist flag pin, running across the street and assaulting Scott Hayes, an Iraq War vet, at a pro-Israel rally.

Gannon had allegedly tweeted:

I don’t condemn Hamas [and] the United States government is a rogue terrorist organization [and] all police precincts, military bases and government offices must be liquidated.

He retweeted a threatening message stating:

Zionists should feel unsafe everywhere.

Hayes fought back against the violent assault, perhaps he did not want to end up like Paul Kessler who was murdered at a protest in California, and Gannon was shot in the process. Hayes, who was also seriously injured, still provided first aid to the wounded terrorist supporter.

Gannon was not charged with anything for his assault which was caught on video. Hayes however was charged with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon and violation of a constitutional right causing injury.

Hayes was the one who was assaulted but Middlesex County DA Marian Ryan chose to pretend that a terrorist supporter assaulting a man is a “constitutional right,” but fighting back is not.

And Hayes had been assaulted for attending pro-Israel rallies before this.

This is yet another outrageous case of pro-crime DAs criminalizing self-defense. It’s also a case of pro-Israel protests being given the two-tier treatment. The fact that Gannon was not charged with anything says it all.