International (Paper Tiger) Community Takes “Unprecedented Step” of Filing Complaint Against Taliban’s Repression of Women

The Taliban thought being hit by A-10 rockets was rough, but they won’t know what hit them when they meet the International Court of Justice.

An angrily written, strongly worded letter will certainly stand them up against their mud brick walls. And imagine how intense the letter will be received if it is written in Arabic script and in the language of the Taliban, Pashtu, or even Afghan Farsi–Dari, so they are able to read it.

This from

No less than four countries have stepped forward to announce “unprecedented” action against the ruling Taliban for its “systematic oppression” of women and girls.

Germany, Australia, Canada, and the Netherlands on Thursday accused the hardline Islamist group of violating the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).

Has anyone reminded the asshat legislators of each of these four countries that Sharia law trumps the world court (pun intended)?

Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong told reporters in New York:

We know that women and girls of Afghanistan are effectively being erased from public life by the various edicts the Taliban have issued.

The steps we are taking with Germany, Canada and the Netherlands are unprecedented.

Paper Tiger, indeed: By “unprecedented,” Penny means a completely useless, sad, and nauseatingly unfunny joke. The girls of Afghanistan will not FINALLY be saved by a strongly worded complaint letter. The world court needs to get with the program.

And Penny needs to pull her head out of her anal orifice, come up for air before she passes out—she is already lightheaded—and study up on the strict Islamic culture of Afghanistan. Note: This is not the Afghan culture of 1973-1978 under President Mohammad Daoud when women were encouraged to remove their head coverings and girls were allowed to attend school, rather the severely strict Islamic culture of centuries ago and of the Taliban of the 2020s.

Human Rights Watch says the legal move by the four Western nations could lead to proceedings at the International Court of Justice in The Hague. But, so what?

As a signatory to CEDAW, Afghanistan is expected to respond to the complaint. Fat chance.

However, the document was signed by the previous government, and so far, the Taliban has shown no sign of changing its stance despite international condemnation. Exactly!

The Taliban government has yet to respond to the CEDAW action. Don’t hold your breath, world court.

The Taliban will have six months to respond to the CEDAW complaint. Then, after not responding, they will be given another six months. Then this matter will be dropped, long forgotten.

If they bother to refer this to their Qatari masters, the Qataris will have one of their influence operations draft a reply about colonialism, climate change and ‘what about Gaza’? Also Mohammed was the original feminist and all the living Afghan women are happy.

That is assuming they even bother. Either way the whole thing will employ a lot of bureaucrats, NGOs, international lawyers, and other completely useless types while not helping one single woman or girl in Afghanistan.

And the same people cheering this on as a smart move agonized over Gitmo and drone strikes on Islamic terrorists. When given a chance to fix the problem, they write strongly worded complaint letters.

Dumb asses! Much of the world is being represented by dumb asses!

Afghanistan’s women and girls will not be liberated from the strict back-assward Islamist rule by gender ministers writing strongly worded letters, rather by men with guns and a well though-out plan to win.

But that’s “toxic masculinity.”