Commentary for a Sunday: Brace for Impact, Something Big Is Coming

Discomforting words, yes, ‘Brace for Impact.’ But any delight in domesticity and peaceful tranquility have been squeezed out of America.

Unquestionably, the build-up to the 2024 election from this point forward will be unpredictable, likely violent, and sadly may be deadly on a mass scale. And what takes place in America will certainly impact the rest of the world.

This from

As columnist Robert Knight noted:

Elections should never be this important.

Everyone is predicting what kinds of bad things will happen if Comrade Kamala wins. The tax plans and economic policies she’s outlined (including raising the corporate tax rate from 21 to 28% and taxing unrealized capital gains) are making wealthy people nervous.

One hedge fund billionaire said the proposed tax on unrealized capital gains on individuals making $100 million or more was particularly troubling and:

[W]ould cause mass selling of almost everything—stocks, bonds, homes, art—I think it would result in a crash in the markets and an immediate, pretty quick recession.

But a Comrade Kamala presidency is predicted to impact the lower to middle-class the most. Increased regulations, taxes, and inflation always hit the lowest sectors the hardest.

The financial experts are not predicting what kinds of bad things will happen if Trump is reelected, however, the Deep State pushback against his leadership is likely to be vicious and could include anything from deliberately crashing the economy to triggering terrorist sleeper cells to even instigating a world war.

As Trump himself has said:

Our country right now is in the most dangerous position it’s ever been in from an economic standpoint, from a safety standpoint. You could end up in a depression of the 1929 variety. We’re very close to that, and we’re very close to a world war.

One person noted:

I believe they will INTENTIONALLY crash the economy right as [Trump] takes office. They will intentionally make it worse than 1929, so that he is so burdened and so distracted and in such a hole that even all of his brilliance will take four years just to dig us out and get us back to ‘normal,’ and then they will succeed because he will not be able to get anything else done during that time. All efforts will go towards rebuilding our economy from the rubble.


In fact, I think the ONLY thing still holding us up right now is the HOPE of Trump getting in there in just a few short months. That’s it. We’re riding on FUMES right now, fumes of the HOPE of help eventually coming.

If Trump is fully occupied fighting Deep State opposition, his presidency might well be disastrous, he may not be allowed to succeed. But Trump is a smart man, and he has smart people already working to take out the Deep State in large part. There is a Plan and despite naysayers saying “the mess we’re in is too big even for Trump to fix,” there are those who have confidence America and the world will survive the Deep State.

But let us not be carried away with positivity. Even a former FBI agent is suggesting stocking up on three to four months’ worth of food, arming yourself, and clubbing up with neighbors. Again, what does he know that we do not know?

An opinion piece on The Burning Platform noted:

[The] cognitive dissonance is leaving people feeling uneasy and mentally uncomfortable. They know something bad is going to happen, but they don’t know when. Pretending all is well is their only choice, because thinking and questioning the narrative is frowned upon by their peers.

One financial strategist has suggested:

[P]aying attention to what you can control, such as prioritizing essential costs and cutting back on non-essential spending.

Right now emotions are on edge, inflation is making life unaffordable for many, the situation is fragile, and some believe all that will be required to send the whole American economy crashing over the edge of a cliff is a gentle tap.

For example, does the following chart look sustainable?

And a look at various articles from the last couple months that detail the actions of the very rich offers no comfort:

Buffett’s vice chairman dumps over half of his Berkshire shares

– Warren Buffett offloads Bank of America shares worth $982 million in latest sale

Buffett’s Berkshire offloads Bank of America shares again; total sales near $7 billion

Berkshire quietly dumps half its Apple shares amid unprecedented selling spree

Blackrock reveals it’s quietly preparing for a $35 trillion Federal Reserve crisis with Bitcoin

– Jeff Bezos sells another $863.5 million of Amazon stock

These activities were unusual enough to warrant media attention, and beg the question, what do they know that we do not know?

Further, consider these headlines:

– JPMorgan CEO hints at looming crisis worse than recession

Interest on U.S. debt surpasses $1 trillion for first time ever, exploding August budget deficit to record high

– An economy so strong it requires crisis-level fed action

And, of course:

 – Household debt hits record $17.8 trillion

The conclusion from all these headlines: Something big is coming, and it is the little people who will get hurt the most.

Yes, something big is coming, alright. Something much bigger than we as individuals can fight. Whether that something is medical, economic, societal, political, or some combination thereof—the point is, something big is coming.

And there may be a great possibility that whatever this “something” will be, it may very well “nullify our constitutional rights of speech, religion, self-defense, and other critical issues.” Interpret that as you will, but do not ignore the ramifications. This “something” may also impact our financial security (if it hasn’t already) and even our food supply.

Let us plan accordingly. And may God bless.