Foreign Press Has Reached a Conclusion on the Presidential Race: Harris Is ‘Unraveling’ (Video)

A stunning video has been compiled revealing that the foreign media have already reached a conclusion about the candidates in the 2024 American presidential race.

This from

And that conclusion is that Comrade Kamala, the democrat (communist/globalist) selectee handpicked by the backroom cabal of crime syndicate elites to replace the aging and failing Dementia Joe is “unraveling.”

The report stated:

Kamala Harris is unraveling.

Yes, the honeymoon period is over and with every unscripted interview, the world is seeing more of the real Kamala Harris, but fresh polls are indicating, voters don’t like it.

Sky News All Stars Rita Panahi, Douglas Murray and Liz Storer take a deep dive into Kamala Harris’s latest word salads and examine their impact on her latest polling numbers.


The report explained Comrade Kamala has been given a “free run” by media, but still manages to “mumble and stumble” answering questions.

It pointed out she learned a new word, ‘holistically,’ and used it in an answer three times, within 13 seconds.

And there are not just mistakes pointed out but lies too.

The first up was when she claimed President Donald Trump had lost American 200,000 manufacturing jobs, before the COVID pandemic, when the facts show he gained more than 400,000 during that time.

Final thoughts: Pulling Comrade Kamala from the ticket may very well occur soon. And I do not foresee the crime syndicate elite’s moving Tiananmen Tim up to the lead role. He was a mistake as bad as Kamala. Nor do I have any names that may be appointed, however, one prediction I heard recently is that Trump and Vance will run unopposed.