Will Republicans Spoil Mueller Time For The Resistance Lynch Mob?

The hype is building over the hallowed Robert Mueller’s hotly-anticipated congressional testimony but Dems may live to rue the day that they trotted out the former special counsel because Republicans are planning some of their own fierce questioning.

In a grotesque public spectacle that the anti-Trump resistance have been clamoring for, Mueller will descend from the heavens and answer questions in front of both the House Judiciary Committee and the House Intel Committee on Wednesday.

Democrats like committee chairmen Adam Shiff and Jerrold Nadler have been salivating over this day, especially after Mueller time was delayed one week – ostensibly so that the ex-FBI director will have been well-prepared to stick it to President Trump and trigger impeachment.

But it may not be the fun and games that Dems are expecting because Republicans are planning to have some serious questions of their own for Mr. Mueller and any one of them could blow the left’s best-laid plans to smithereens.

Republicans look to expose the charade of RussiaGate and are going to be loaded for bear to take advantage of their limited amount of time to pose serious questions to Mueller.

Via The Associated Press, “House Republicans promise tough questions at Mueller hearing”:

House Republicans are pledging tough questioning of special counsel Robert Mueller when he testifies before Congress this week as Democrats plan to air evidence of wrongdoing by President Donald Trump in a potentially last-ditch bid to impeach him.

Rep. Doug Collins, the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, said the American public is growing weary of the Russia investigation three months after the release of the special counsel’s 448-page report and that “any thought of impeachment is waning.” He said Republicans will be focused on making clear that the report represents a “final episode” in the Russia probe, which he described as flawed.

“Remember, the Mueller report is a one-sided report,” Collins said. “It has not been questioned from the other side. This is our chance to do that.”


Collins, meanwhile, said Republicans will focus in part on the origins of the Russia investigation, which Trump has long derided as a political “witch hunt” as well as evidence they see of potential bias in the FBI’s handling of the probe.

“There’s going to be a lot of questions for what he did say, what he didn’t say, and how this thing started,” he said, referring to Mueller. “This is the time that the Democrats have got to show on their end how much time they have been wasting of our committee and how we have not been getting things done because they simply don’t like this president, who was elected by the people in 2016, and they’re just trying to derail him for 2020.”

Judiciary Committee ranking member Rep. Doug Collins talked to Fox’s Maria Bartiromo and laid out some of what to expect from Republicans.

Democrats and their media lickspittles are hoping to reverse their fortunes after Mueller’s report landed with a resounding thud, no evidence that Trump colluded with the Kremlin and no charges of obstruction, largely because there was no underlying crime.

But in their efforts to draw eyes to Mueller because as they have been whining that Americans haven’t read the insomnia-inducing 448-page report to find the hidden messages, the Dems are exposing their star witness to a line of hostile questioning for the first time.

Then there’s this…

In an incoming bombshell of a scoop, Paul Sperry of Real Clear Investigations has just sent a shot whistling across Mueller’s bow with a devastating story that the upcoming Inspector General’s report is going to finger Mueller’s BFF James Comey for “running a covert operation” against the duly elected president.

What did Mueller know? That is a very good question; just like when did Mueller know that there was no Russian collusion.

No matter how much that the jackleg Democrats may stack the deck with the likely complicity of the chief inquisitor, Wednesday’s hearings are a high stakes gambit that could very well blow up right in Shiff and Nadler’s smug faces.