Israel, Rightfully, Did Not Trust the Obiden-Harris Crime Syndicate with News of Hezbollah Attack

How little does Israel trust the Obiden-Harris crime syndicate?

Well, DUH!!!

This from

So little that Israel did not provide information about its Beirut strike that took out the Hezbollah terrorist leader until it was underway.

The US had no advance warning of Israel’s strike on Hezbollah’s central headquarters in Dahiyeh, Beirut on Friday, the Pentagon said, and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin learned of the operation while it was underway during a phone call from Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

While “it was underway” is bad. Not even beforehand. Point made: The queer Kenyan moslem and his crime syndicate are not to be trusted.

Israel was so concerned about either Hezbollah being tipped off or some sort of last-minute interference that it provided the information only once the attack was already underway.

The same thing happened with ‘Pagergeddon.’ Defense Minister Galant called Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin minutes before the pagers began exploding and provided no details.

All of this is bad. It means what the world knows damn well: Israel does not trust the Obiden-Harris crime syndicate and it means that a crucial defense relationship has decayed to the point where the United States does not have timely intelligence about what is occurring out and about in the world.

And rightfully so. This rogue cabal masquerading as America’s leadership is antisemitic, anti-Christian, anti-U.S. Constitution, occupied trying to steal another election cycle, and pro-invasion of Western civilization by moslem and Latin peoples of the world.

This situation is even worse than it was under the Obama-Biden regime for obvious reasons. Obama proved himself pro-moslem and antisemitic on numerous occasions. Plus, the fact the Obiden-Harris regime has moved people into key defense positions—who are either compromised or enemy operatives—at the National Security Council and the Pentagon likely is not helping.

Further, every White House response to an Israeli action is to call for a ceasefire while the average response to an Islamic terrorist attack is to ignore it.

The Obiden-Harris regime has made publicly clear it is not sharing intelligence with Israel. Likewise, the Regime should not be surprised when Israel does not share it right back.