Karma: Trump Haters Get Their Just Rewards (Videos)

Beware of karma: It can be nasty to those who deserve it—and enjoyable to those who appreciate its beauty.

And this disgusting “tolerant” Leftist certainly earned what was coming to him, seeing as he was intent on destroying other people’s property in a false understanding of “doing what’s right.”

This from redstate.com.

This ignorant lib is hell-bent on plowing over a Trump-Vance sign—how dare they post such a thing!—while his apparently different-thinking co-rider is dragged along.

“This is gonna be great, this is gonna be great,” is his mantra as he purposefully drives off the roadway into someone’s yard and over other their Trump-Vance sign. As if this is perfectly OK because he’s a crazed Leftist performing for the cause, right?

“This is so ridiculous,” his female companion points out. “You realize that, right?” Apparently, he does not, but he’ll soon be given a brutal reality check.

The morning—for this asshole—was, in fact, “so good.” Just not in the way he intended. Wait for the end—this is absolutely glorious:

Oh, what a thing of beauty. “F**k, f**k, f**k,” Mr. Soy Boy rants, as he finds out just how retaliatory and surprising vandalism can truly be. And don’t forget expensive—he now has a problem he needs to have fixed.

“I’ve got to get to work,” the female accompanying him says. And she’d be smart not to ride with this fool again.

The homeowner obviously anticipated Leftist hijinks. And this violent Leftist nut was handed what was coming to him, in spades. We the People hope he spent his entire day getting that tire replaced—and at great expense.

Sure, tensions are running high, and this is the most consequential election in our lifetime. But that does not mean violence and vandalism are authorized. We the People will not set a neighbor’s Harris-Walz sign on fire as much as we’d enjoy doing it, because that is antithetical to who we are as a people, right? Leftists, however, feel it is just fine to burn down anything that goes against their worldview. The crazy bastards, they are.

But now this guy has discovered the hard way that actions have reactions, and consequences, as well as a lesson learned, perhaps—but doubtful he’s smart enough. The lesson: DO NOT screw with Trump supporters.

Welcome to karma, beta-Man—with your useless mask.

Now, for those who believe that video of the Trump hater was staged, note the woman giggled at the end and if it were true she too would be livid, and some people say that guy has been in other videos.

Several social media posters agreed, with one having written:

Still wearing a mask was the overkill.

A staged video, perhaps, but in many instances mask-wearing is still occurring. We see freaks every day wearing masks and still hanging on to the COVID era as if it was their fondest memory:

Whether it is 100 percent genuine or not is open to interpretation, but it is still funny. In the (paraphrased) words of disgraced CBS News anchor Dan Rather, “it could be true.” We see so much unhinged behavior by Leftists that driving over Trump signs hardly seems like a stretch.

Check out this liberal nut below. And let us take comfort believing queers like this do not vote Conservative.

We the People should hold on to the hope that Karma visits this asshole as well.