“This Is Not the 1950s” Explains Woman Who Got Her Start in Politics by Sleeping with Married Man

Obviously this is not the 1950s. And the 1950s were not the 1950s, for all that was supposed to mean.

But trading $400,000 in taxpayer money for sex should damn well not be the new decency.

This in part from frontpagemag.com.

There was a time when We the American People at least pretended to have some standards. Now every time someone says “it’s not the 1950s”…

…they mean there should be no standards.

Speaking of…

Comrade Kamala said that:

[F]amily comes in many forms, and I think that, increasingly, you know, all of us understand that, you know, this is not the 1950s anymore.

No, we are not ALL aware of what a term like ‘Modern Family’ means, let alone understand anything about a “completely changed definition of family.” And please, if someone is going to explain the term ‘Modern Family,’ may the explanation not come from the Rhyme Talker. She is not capable of making herself understand by America.

But you know what happened in the 1950s? Willie Brown got married to the woman who would bear his children. Then he hooked up with Kamala Harris. And that was not the 1950s and how dare We the American People refuse to address that cultural discrepancy for the impropriety it was. Willie Brown found a girl in her twenties and gifted her a BMW, $400,000 in taxpayer money, and a political career. We the People should be condemning them both.

Sure, this is not the 1950s. Family comes in all shapes and sizes: Traditional, Nuclear, Single-parent, Foster, Same-sex couple, Blended, Grandparents raising children, and even a Husband and wife with his whore kept on the side at the expense of taxpayers.

Not a problem, right? Taxpayer money can be traded for sex by a political party that puts on an air of decency when as it finds fault with its opposition.

Only prudes would complain about nearly half a million being used by a mayor under perpetual FBI investigation for a bed partner and political ally handpicked to protect him. It’s not the 1950s anymore.

Integrity. Decency. And not stealing lots of money are old-fashioned values that are to be expected in the 2020s just as they were in the 1950s despite what any debauched, degenerate, immoral, dishonest member of the communist/globalist crime syndicate passing him or herself off as a democrat might say or think.

Final thoughts: We each have our own faults and politicians each have their own faults too. But some people and some politicians are more equal than others when it comes to faults. America was founded as a nation of God, and for this very reason America should be striving to return to a position more in line with godlike standards and godlike direction than Comrade Kamala, Tiananmen Tim, or any other communists/globalists are capable of leading us.