CBS 60 Minutes Scandals Pile Up

The 60 Minutes’ edit crew worked overtime slicing and dicing Comrade Kamala’s word salads to paste together a coherent interview.

It is, in a way, exactly the opposite of what the media does to create false Donald Trump narratives like the “fine people” hoax.

This from


More information has come out about the disastrous interview and 60 Minutes’ manipulations, and of course, let us not overlook the CBS’ lie about Leslie Stahl’s Trump interview in 2020. They flat-out lied about what happened, and there is tape to prove it.

Now CBS is facing fallout from its Ta-Nahise Coates interview and the Maoist struggle sessions at the network.

But first, the edits CBS made–that we know of. Below is the original clip comparison that started the controversy.

NOTE: CBS pre-released a few tidbits from the interview and then edited them down for the final broadcast. We the People noticed the vast differences between the videos originally seen and those that aired and are now shared by CBS as genuine.

Laura Powell put together transcripts of the differences, and they are startling.

Here is the transcript and highlights of what was changed:

In addition to substituting an entirely different answer to a question,

@60Minutes edited Kamala Harris’s response to the previous question so much that it is not an accurate representation of what she said.

Here is the question and answer from the original clip, with the parts edited out before broadcast in brackets:

WHITAKER: We supply Israel with billions of dollars in military aid, and yet Prime Minister Netanyahu seems to be charting his own course. The Biden-Harris Administration has pressed him to agree to a ceasefire; he’s resisted. You urged him not to go into Lebanon; he went in anyway. [He has promised to make Iran pay for the missile attack, and that has the potential of expanding the war.] Does the US have no sway over prime minister Netanyahu?

HARRIS: [The aid that we have given Israel allowed Israel to defend itself against 200 ballistic missiles that were just meant to attack the Israelis and the people of Israel. And when we think about the threat that Hamas—Hezbollah presents—um Iran um, I think that is without any question our imperative to do what we can to allow Israel to defend itself against those kinds of attacks. Now,] the work that we do diplomatically, with the leadership of Israel, is an ongoing pursuit around making clear our principles, [which include the need for humanitarian aid, the need for this war to end, the need for a deal to be done which would release the hostages and and and create a ceasefire. And we’re not going to stop in terms of putting that pressure on Israel and and in the region, including Arab leaders.]

WHITAKER: But it seems that prime minister Netanyahu is not listening.

HARRIS: [Well, Bill, the work that we have done has resulted in a number of movements in that region by Israel that were very much prompted by or a result of many things including our advocacy for what needs to happen in the region.]

You immediately notice that CBS left on the cutting room floor the vast majority of what she said, the vast majority of which was nonsense. Laura lays it out concisely:

Just to make it clear, they turned this response:

‘The aid that we have given Israel allowed Israel to defend itself against 200 ballistic missiles that were just meant to attack the Israelis and the people of Israel. And when we think about the threat that Hamas—Hezbollah presents—um Iran um, I think that is without any question our imperative to do what we can to allow Israel to defend itself against those kinds of attacks. Now, the work that we do diplomatically, with the leadership of Israel, is an ongoing pursuit around making clear our principles, which include the need for humanitarian aid, the need for this war to end, the need for a deal to be done which would release the hostages and and and create a ceasefire. And we’re not going to stop in terms of putting that pressure on Israel and and in the region, including Arab leaders.’

Into a concise and vague statement:

‘The work that we do diplomatically, with the leadership of Israel, is an ongoing pursuit around making clear our principles.’

All that verbiage is cut and pasted into one concise sentence that makes her sound 1000% better.

That’s just one exchange. Imagine what else they did because they are hiding the evidence. The transcript they released was not of the whole exchange but their edited version. They are hiding the ball and have clammed up about it.

The Comrade Kamala-Tiananmen Tim campaign could have been in the editing room, and for all we know, they were. Not that it would matter because CBS took a pretty decent interview from Whitaker and turned it into something else to help Comrade Kamala.

Stephen Miller did an excellent podcast on the topic. He pointed out something else: CBS cut out Harris’ most pro-Israel comments. This fits nicely with the Coates controversy. Tony Dokoupil challenged Coates on his anti-Israel screed and was forced to apologize to the newsroom for asking questions. In both instances the issue was Israel, and in both cases CBS was deprecating any defense of Israel.

Now consider the Trump controversy.

Donald Trump was willing to sit down for an interview with 60 Minutes but rightly demanded an apology for Leslie Stahl’s claim that the Hunter Biden laptop was discredited—a fake.

We all know that is completely false, and it is now evidence in Hunter’s legal troubles. The FBI had verified it in 2019 and hid it, and the intelligence community lied about it, but it had been verified and fair game. Stahl lied to cover it up.

CBS has the tape from the interview, so they know they are lying in this clip.

Glenn Kessler, the “fact checker,” claims that Trump is wrong to criticize CBS and 60 Minutes, posting transcripts. Except if you read the transcript themselves you see he is pulling a 60 Minutes here—slicing and dicing to create a false impression.

In his own post, he shows that Stahl said the laptop was “investigated and discredited.” Both of those statements are false and used to dismiss a true story that may have changed the outcome of the election.

We now know the laptop was real, the shady deals in China and Ukraine are real, and that millions of dollars have been spread around from foreign countries to Biden family members, yet CBS claims it is TRUMP who is lying about what we can see and read.

60 Minutes has, unfortunately, a lot of credibility with an important group of voters, including a lot of swing voters. In this one episode, they manipulated the Harris interview to make her look coherent and falsely claimed that Trump was wrong about something that is indisputably true. They defended their own lies and called him a liar.

Some commenters say that nobody trusts the mass propaganda media anymore, but that is not true. Their influence is vastly diminished, but a lot of low- to mid-information voters still trust brands like 60 Minutes.

Do not anticipate 60 Minutes to break its silence on these scandals and expect the mass propaganda media to circle the wagons—at least for the time being.

Final thought: Upon President Trump’s return penalties will follow. Think deterrence.