Obama Sounds Alarm, Warns Black Voters Are Not Supporting Kamala Harris

The “powerful” female candidate who We the People are being told is certain presidential material, is actually a backroom cabal selectee who is unable to string two sensical sentences together and must have two washed-up male politicians campaign for her: Bill Clinton and Barack Hussin Obama.

This from slaynews.com.

The Kenyan has warned that black voters are not supporting Comrade Kamala in the way communists/globalists have hoped they would.

Obama raised the alarm Thursday before a rally in Pennsylvania.

The former president warned his girl is behind in “turnout” numbers compared to when he was running.

He said Kamala is particularly behind in the black community. And what he did not say is that she is not black—and black Americans know this. Plus, what he couldn’t say is they made a mistake with him—he is not a black American—and they do not want to get sucked in by another selfish politician.

The Leftist cooked polls show a tight race between Comrade Kamala and President Trump in key swing states—but We the People know the race presently is approximately an 80/20 disparity, with the likelihood that Kamala in an honest election will garner only a mere fifteen percent of the vote.

NOTE: The open cautioning of pollsters that Comrade Kamala is bleeding support is a set-up for changes to come.

Obama is laying the groundwork for a last-minute switch:

My understanding, based on reports I’m getting from campaigns and communities, is that we have not yet seen the same kinds of energy and turnout in all quarters of our neighborhoods and communities as you saw when I was running.

Now, I also want to say that it seems more pronounced with the brothers.


According to RealClearPolling:

In the 2012 presidential race, Obama won Pennsylvania by 5.4 points.

He secured 52% of the state’s vote compared to 46.6% for former Republican candidate Mitt Romney.

According to data from the Roper Center:

In that same year, Obama garnered 93% support from black voters.

Obama was just two points shy of the 95% he received in 2008 against Republican candidate John McCain.

The communist/globalist concern: Comrade Kamala may have majority support from black voters, BUT President Trump continues to appeal to this key voting bloc—in ever-increasing numbers.

Recently, data from the Howard University Initiative shows Trump’s support among black men has surged to 16%. And what We the People can read here is that ‘Trump has surged to 30% or even 40% support among black men.’

A NAACP poll released on September 13 also found that more than one-quarter of young black men among 1,000 registered black voters surveyed said they would support Trump over Harris.

The Washington Post reported:

While on stage Thursday evening, Obama pleaded with black men in Pennsylvania to back Harris.

But this is a fool’s errand. The Brothers don’t want a cackling Indian whore who merely calls herself ‘black.’