Comrade Kamala Is Struggling in Great Lakes States—Her Numbers Are Lower Than Big Hill and Dementia Joe

The Leftists and the colluding mass propaganda media continue the fool’s errand of portraying Dear Kamala as a viable candidate so popular she could not possibly lose to Donald Trump.

This in part from

Humorously for We the People, however, everything is becoming clearer by the day—Comrade Kamala is not nearly as beloved as she would have herself believe and the American voters are abandoning her like wildlife escaping a prairie fire. Indeed, a new poll from the Great Lakes states spells bad news for the radical communist.

CNN senior data reporter Harry Enten spoke out on Monday to sound the alarm about Comrade Kamala’s polling averages in the Great Lakes area. Her numbers are drastically lower than those of Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden in 2016 and 2020, respectively.

From Daily Caller:

Harris’ averages in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin dropped from 2-point advantages in September to 1-point leads, which stands significantly lower than President Joe Biden and former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s 8-point leads in those states on Oct. 14 of 2016 and 2020, Enten said on ‘The Lead with Jake Tapper.’ The CNN reporter noted Clinton lost those states and that Biden won by slim margins.

‘I have never seen such consistently tight polling such as this across the battleground states in all the time I have been looking and covering politics … I think this is what gives Democrats agita because yeah, it looks like Harris is slightly ahead, though well within the margin of error, but compared to where we were 4 years ago and 8 years ago, at this point Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, an average across all three,’ Enten said. ‘Right now, you got Harris by 1 point above average of the three, but Joe Biden was up by 8, Hillary Clinton was up by 8.’

These numbers are hog wash. And both Hillary and Joe lost in landslides, cheating aside. More about the numbers below.

Enten concluded his rant by calling on Democrats:

[To] ask themselves at this particular point [whether Harris can] actually hold on given that Joe Biden barely did and Hillary Clinton did not across these three states??

The answer to this question is a resounding ‘no!’

Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin are each considered to be crucial swing states in this election. According to Enten, Trump will secure 312 electoral votes by managing to win each Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan—all by just 1 point.

With less than weeks to go before Election Day, this poll is about as bad as it gets for Dear Kamala—‘the stuff of nightmares for her and her supporters’ some would say.

However, the poll also should not be too surprising to anyone when looking at Comrade Kamala’s history. Until just a few months ago, she was polling as one of the least popular vice presidents in American history.

The voters also did not choose Kamala as their nominee. Instead, she was selected as Dementia Joe’s replacement by a backroom cabal. And the hijinks is now coming back to bite top Leftists who had at least some confidence in her electability. Bottom line, Comrade Kamala is beyond unlikeable outside California and even detestable the further away from San Francisco she gets. Recall, in 2002 Kamala won her race for District Attorney of San Fransisco with 56% of the vote.

Also worth noting, David Plouffe—as reported by The Blaze—a top adviser in the Harris-Walz campaign admitted the lead reported in the media for Comrade Kamala was fake.

Plouffe said:

So I know for all of us that want to see Kamala Harris win, we wish there was an easy pathway—that pathway does not exist. This is basically going to come down to, you know, history would suggest it’s not going to come down to several thousand votes in seven states, but it’s going to come down to a very narrow margin.

Final thoughts: Yes, the poll numbers are unbelievable. But the point well worth noting here is that Comrade Kamala is so far behind Trump the pollsters are unable to fake anything and still salvage some credibility the morning after.

Election Day, November 5, is less than three weeks away. The Left is just about ready to throw in the towel concerning Plan A. That was to max out the ballots and cheat—but that now is almost impossible.

Plan B is to challenge the election and seek to prevent Trump’s certification. If so, this will likely involve mass violence in the streets and perhaps military involvement. Stay home, Def-Con-ers, and safeguard your homes and families. Let’s give Speaker Johnson time to do his job.

When asked about protecting security at the Capitol ahead of Congress’ counting of the electoral votes on Jan. 6, 2025, Speaker Johnson made assurances that “steps have been taken to harden the facilities,” while arguing that the “bigger story” revolves around election integrity.

We will soon learn if, in fact, Trump has been our Commander in Chief these past four years and controls the military.