Coming to a City Nearby You: Weaponized Prayer—Seizing Public Space and Forcing Submission in the Name of Allah

On October 7th, 2024, protests erupted across North America, celebrating and amplifying the previous year’s attacks on Israel and the Jewish people.

These protests were led by the familiar coalition of communist activists, labor unions, moslems, and supporters of Islam’s global Manifest Destiny—groups that have been increasingly visible in our streets over the past year.

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Footage and photos from October 7, 2024, have been sent to RAIR Foundation USA, documenting a demonstration in front of the Israeli Embassy at 50 O’Connor St. in Ottawa. The footage, compiled from two sources, exposes key aspects of the Leftist and Islamic mindset and the tactics they’ve long employed to target Western and civilized societies.

A common tactic shared by the Left and Islam is the strategy of provoking a reaction and then criminalizing or weaponizing that response. In simple terms, it is like the old playground excuse: “The fight started when he hit me back.” However, this approach is far more calculated. The goal is to provoke a predictable response, reframe that reaction as something it was not, and then use it to attack the person who reacted. In a way, this can be seen as a form of what George Soros refers to as “reactivity.”

Police form line behind protestors and in front of 50 O’Connor

In this case, a large group of Muslims gathered in front of the Israeli Embassy in Ottawa, supporting the demand for the obliteration of Israel and, as outlined in the official charters and literature of Hamas and Hezbollah, the extermination of Jews worldwide. Although they may not directly state these goals during the protest, their actions and messaging clearly allude to them. The group blocked the street to make these demands—whether through proxy or indirect references—and then initiated an Islamic prayer ritual, expecting the public to ‘respect it’ by refraining from filming.

This would, in fact, be controlling the space.

Not performing a religious ritual.

Given that Islam is, for the most part, plagiarized from Judaism and Christianity, one might have hoped that one of their scholars would have come across Matthew 6:5:

And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.

But like most of Islam, prayer is weaponized as a means of letting others know who really controls the space. Much more so than a mere demonstration.

Generally, at a demonstration, people want you to get their message. They are looking for media. They want records of who was there and what the messages are.

But the left and Islam use a decidedly different approach.

At the demonstration mentioned above, a group of Critical Sex Theory enforcers, who call themselves ‘trans-rights activists,’ used a similar tactic. They staged a noisy, colorful protest against the presence of Alberta Premier Danielle Smith when she visited Ottawa in February. Despite the public nature of their demonstration, they carried a large banner instructing people not to film the event.

A clearer example from the same demonstration features a banner stating in large letters, “Transphobes F*CK OFF” with another banner beside it instructing people not to film them.

A provocation right next to weaponizing the logical reaction to the provocation.

This tactic is now playing out in microcosm across our cities.

It has become somewhat common to see a large, bearded man with hairy limbs walking down the street or sitting in a movie theater in a sequined sleeveless ball gown and shiny, high-heeled women’s shoes. And, of course, we all know we can’t say anything or even look at him the wrong way. This would justify a violent reaction or getting canceled in your professional and financial life.

As the clothing is usually an extremely exaggerated, almost cartoon-like representation of women’s attire—something no woman would casually wear on the street—one can be certain it is meant as a provocation rather than a genuine expression of an oppressed demographic or group.

Islamic street prayers are clearly the same in nature.

These well-coordinated rituals are performed not only in public but often to block a major city road. The ritual is carried out in full before the road is restored to its original purpose. These street prayers nearly always occur despite there being plenty of available mosque space.

In the case of the street prayers on the 7th, as seen above, the attempt to stop someone from filming under the guise of demanding respect was backed up by the statement: “I’m not afraid of going to jail.”

The implied threat was clear: If the person filming did not stop recording this public display, the enforcer would do something severe enough to land him in jail. Given the current climate in the West, with its excessive tolerance of moslem violence and intimidation, it would have to be something truly awful indeed.

Final thoughts: Yes, this article concerns Ottawa, Quebec, Canada, but the point worth noting is that the Left and Islam have become strange bedfellows working toward the demise of Western civilization. The remedy for what we are experiencing is Conservatism.