In Comrade Kamala’s America, Child Sex Trafficking Reports Have Tripled, Feds Confirm

One of the biggest failures committed by Dementia Joe and Comrade Kamala (Read: Barack Hussein Obama) has been at the southern border—their destructive policies have allowed millions of illegal aliens to flood into our beloved country.

This from

Without a doubt Puppet Biden and Puppet Harris have allowed the border crisis to become completely out of control. A disturbing new report, however, has confirmed their creation and mishandling of the border crisis has actually been even worse than any of us could have imagined.

The federal government has confirmed that since Biden and Harris assumed control, the number of child sex trafficking cases has tripled. And even more sickening: Biden and Harris have done nothing to rectify the situation at the border.

From Breitbart News:

The rising number of youth sex-trafficking cases were posted at the Department of Health and Human Services when The Free Press demanded the data under the Freedom of Information Act. The agency is responsible for checking and issuing Certification and Eligibility Letters to the children and youths who first request aid after escaping sex traffickers.

The agency issued 1,143 letters in 2021, 2,226 letters in 2022, and 2,148 letters in 2024 under the welcome policies set by border chief Alejandro Mayorkas. The agency has not posted any data since the first week of September 2023.

The incomplete data adds up to 5,517 letters since October 2020, or an average of 1,8,37 letters per year. Under President Donald Trump, the number of letters averaged 562 per year — or just one-third of the record reached under the guidance of pro-migration progressives. The number of child cases under Biden and Mayorkas is three times their adult caseload, according to the agency data.

Knowing this has been happening, Biden and Harris should have been doing whatever they could to seal the border wherever possible. Instead, their woke policies have continued to make entry easier than ever for illegal aliens who are flooding into our country and for this child sex trafficking to continue.

The Regime’s failures at the border can be blamed on Comrade Kamala. After all, one of the few tasks Biden gave her was to be his “border czar.” Instead of taking steps to fix the border crisis, however, she ignored the situation as it became exponentially worse. Whether she was following Obama’s direction or not,

Comrade Kamala is to blame for the violent crime

that has resulted from our open southern border.

Should Kamala win this election, the child sex trafficking numbers will likely continue to increase. If she would not take care of this situation as the border czar, she certainly will not as president?

In contrast, President Trump has promised to make cracking down on the border crisis one of his top priorities from the very start of his presidency. This new report on child sex trafficking makes this goal even more urgent.

America will not survive as We the People remember it without a president who will address this and every other crisis with which The Regime has brought upon us.

God speed to President Trump and to the Take Back of our Constitutional Republic.