Voter Fraud—The Immediate Issue That Matters in 2024

No, it’s not “the economy, stupid,” under the socialist-cum-communist Obiden-Harris Regime with its $1.8-trillion deficit.

This from

And no, it’s not domestic policy, where we have had the luxury of being on the receiving end of:

– High taxes,

– High food prices,

– High gas prices,

– Sky-high regulations,

– Alarmingly high crime rates throughout the country, particularly in states run by Democrats, where arrests are few, bail is nonexistent, and raging criminals enjoy no consequences for their assaults, rapes, murders, racist attacks, et al, and

– Eleven million illegal and unvetted aliens are further draining our economy [due] to the largesse of this regime, which is housing them in fancy hotels, providing food, healthcare, iPhones, education for their children, even monthly stipends that are higher than what American families and veterans receive.

And no, it’s not foreign policy in which:

 – We’ve spent trillions of dollars supporting thugs like Zelenskyy in Ukraine but ‘could not find the funds,’ as ace investigative journalist Kelleigh Nelson spells out, ‘to help the ravaged victims of the government-manipulated hurricanes Helene and Milton in several southern “red” states.’ Talk about a pre-election October Surprise!

– There are now five wars that didn’t exist four years ago: in Yemen, Darfur, Myanmar, Ukraine, and Israel… costing us more trillions of dollars and precious lives, and

– The [Obiden-Harris Regime] is indefensibly antagonistic to our trusted and invaluable ally, Israel, as they have waffled on their support and threatened an arms embargo for that tiny Jewish state—surrounded and at war with seven menacing enemies whose charters call for its complete annihilation and death to every Jew on earth—and threatens Israel not to destroy the Iranian nukes.

Clearly, what the communists/globalists have cared about for the past hundred years is winning elections at any cost and inflicting their strangulating socialist/communist and now Islamist style of government on the American people.

And lodging phony lawsuits against President Trump to ensure he is not reelected, because the business mogul and non-politician won the 2016 election by exposing:

– The Swamp’s systemic lawlessness, corruption, and treason,

– The Democrats’ America-Last policies,

– The leftist bias of the bought-and-paid-for Media Whores,

– The Democrat racism that has kept blacks uneducated, impoverished, and imprisoned for decades on end because of the welfare system they created that promises food, housing, education, medical care, et al, to women and says they can have as many children as they desire, with only one iron-clad rule: if you get married, you lose all benefits! Hence, tragically, the decades of broken families,

– The horrific trade deals benefited foreign nations but not America,

– The fallacy is that no Mideast peace is possible without striking a deal with the hostile-to-Israel Arabs who insist on calling themselves ‘Palestinians.’  See President Trump’s colossally successful Abraham Accords, and

– The craven deals that made our country dependent on foreign oil by—POOF!—making America completely energy independent.

Dozens of books have spelled out in scandalous detail how communists/globalists (democrats) have stolen elections over the past many decades by enlisting the votes of illegal aliens, absentee voters who simply don’t exist, and, of course, dead voters.

Among the most riveting are:

– John Fund’s Stealing Elections: How Voter Fraud Threatens Our Democracy, and

– Eric Eggers’ Fraud: How the Left Plans to Steal the Next Election

Then there is Ballot Harvesting, a scheme exclusively used by the Left to win elections. How does it work? According to CA political commentator Stephen Frank:

[S]omeone—campaign worker, minor, illegal, etc.—goes door to door to ‘help’ people fill out ballots that strangely favor democrats [communists/globalists] and refuse to collect ballots from anyone they suspect of voting the ‘wrong’ way. They even pay them to vote the ‘right way.’

Intimidation is common, and nothing stops them from altering ballots or throwing out ballots for the undesired candidate.

According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, in 2020, 26 states allowed this fraudulence, a practice that was aggressively and successfully challenged by Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch.

Not to omit the now-defunct ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now)—a massive group of over 500,000 members which operated nationwide since 1970, registering voters and helping people sign up for government-financed programs.

ACORN was exposed for its criminal activities in 2009 by James O’Keefe, founder of The Veritas Project, resulting in multiple convictions for massive voter fraud in several states, and it closed its doors in 2010, although it is believed that splinter groups formed and are active to this day.

Writer Barbara Kralis maintains:

America’s election mail-in ballot scam has been a huge problem the last four national elections. Democrats and organized union officials keep ‘miraculously’ finding lost mail-in ballot boxes (fake ballots) on the days following each of the last four elections, [leading to highly suspect Democrat victories].

And Dinesh D’Souza’s film, 2000 Mules, shows in real time how the massive fraud of the 2020 election was executed. Jaw-dropping!

Just recently, Comrade Kamala’s DOJ—in a can’t-make-it-up act—sued the state of Virginia for removing illegals from its voter rolls!

The following are results of states keeping track of what the Left has been doing:

– In a FL primary, more than 35,000 mail-in ballots were rejected, and over 100,000 ballots were rejected in CA,

– GA authorities reveal 1,000 people double-voted in the primary using absentee ballots,

– More than 534,000 mail ballots were rejected during primaries across 23 states—nearly a quarter in key battlegrounds for the fall (Townhall),

– In NC, voters reported receiving two ballots in the mail,

A top PA lawmaker called on the state to immediately expunge the names of 11,198 non-citizens whom the state confirmed are registered to vote despite not being eligible,

–  FBI Found Discarded Military Mail-in Ballots Cast for Trump (see below picture),

–  Election Watchdog Finds 350,000 Dead Registrants on Voter Rolls in 42 States,

GA Investigating 1,000 Cases of Voter Fraud,

–  The Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) of IN found the following: there may be as many as 350,000 dead people still registered to vote in U.S. elections; NY, TX, MI, FL, and CA accounted for 51 percent of the dead registrants; 40,000 likely duplicate voters may have voted twice; many state registrars have been forbidden to cull their voter rolls by the courts because hysterical Democrats claim some voters might be disenfranchised; NV’s largest county sent out more than 200,000 mail-in primary ballots to the wrong addresses, while 84,000 mail-in presidential primary ballots cast in NY City were disqualified, and

– Again, CA political commentator Stephen Frank reports: Trump IS Right: Post Office Is Discarding, Hiding Absentee Ballots! (Well, whaddaya know––Joe Biden just received the endorsement of the National Postal Mail Handlers Union!).

God speed to the Trump-Vance team. And God speed to the Take Back of our Constitutional Republic.