San Francisco Spent $300,000 On Registering Illegal Immigrants To Vote

Voter fraud? What voter fraud? Oh, you mean ineligible people fraudulently casting votes. Liberals insist that voter fraud is a right-wing conspiracy and doesn’t exist, but the kooks running San Francisco just dropped some serious money on a very open campaign to register illegal immigrants and non-citizens to vote. Not only does this bust the liberal narrative, it shows how shamelessly the left wastes taxpayer money. There’s no investigation needed to prove voter fraud, just pick up a SF newspaper and there it is.

The SF Chronicle was all over it:

Back in July, the city began registering noncitizens — including undocumented immigrants — to vote in school board elections.

The program is the first-of-its-kind in California and followed passage of a 2016 San Francisco ballot measure opening school elections to noncitizens who are over the age of 18, city residents and have children under age 19.

The city spent about $310,000 setting up the new registration system and encouraging people to sign up.

The news is trying to downplay this like illegal immigrants and non-citizens will only be voting in school board elections, but as a registered California voter, I know the truth. The SF Chronicle said this effort was to get these ineligible people registered for the midterm elections. In California, you don’t just get a school board ballot, you get one with everything on it: city, county, state, and national.

Is San Francisco going to tell these people who have no business voting to simply ignore all of the non-school board related stuff on their ballots? Absolutely not. These illegal immigrants will be voting on Dianne Feinstein’s future, the gas tax repeal, and all kinds of statewide issues.

The only thing that makes this slightly less outrageous is that SF’s effort to build an illegal voting bloc for their wacko leftist agenda and the Democratic Party is that it was a failure:

San Francisco’s effort to get noncitizen parents to the ballot box is pretty much a bust the first time out, with only 49 signing up to vote in the Nov. 6 election.

Whatever the case, the tally to register noncitizen voters comes to about $6,326 per sign up.

At that price, let’s hope they vote.

Yeah, we can only hope.

Boy, those lefties sure know how to waste money on bullshit, don’t they? It’s not like SF has more pressing issues with crime, filth, and homelessness that could use some funding so this was a solid allocation of funds.

Hang on to your wallets though, because this thing gets even more ridiculous. After passing the measure allowing illegal immigrants to vote, SF realized that registering these people could bring them to the attention of ICE and open them up to deportation.

But Donald Trump’s election quickly put a damper on enthusiasm for the idea. This year, city officials began voicing concerns that signing up could expose people here illegally to detection by Immigration and Customs Enforcement since voter rolls — including home addresses — could be subpoenaed by the feds.

Supervisor Sandra Lee Fewer urged the city to spend as much as $500,000 to warn undocumented residents that registering to vote could point ICE their way…

It looks like the SF Mayor denied that half-million dollar request and only ponied up $125,000. Again, these liberals are Ninjas when it comes to blowing other people’s money on garbage.

49 illegal immigrant voters in San Francisco probably won’t make a difference in the midterm elections, but it’s just the tip of the iceberg. The state of California gives driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants and it also automatically registers people to vote when they get or renew their license. What that means is there are hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants and maybe a million non-citizens registered to vote in the Golden State.

Liberals have been bitching non-stop since 2016 that the Russians hacked our election and stole the presidency away from Hillary Clinton, which is completely untrue. Maybe they ought to take a look at the way California is hacking the democratic process by allowing ineligible people to vote and sway elections.