Obama, Biden, and Comrade Kamala—They Ignored Black Victims of Terrorist Attacks But Now Demand Black Votes

Recently, Barack Hussein Obama has been commanding black men to vote for Comrade Kamala as a matter of duty.

These embattled men might consider the experience of U.S. Army Sgt. Alonzo Lunsford when the African American was stationed at Fort Hood, where troops were shipping out for Afghanistan.

This from frontpagemag.com.

Nidal Hassan, Soldier of Allah, commissioned into the U.S. Army

On November 5, 2009, Maj. Nidal Hasan, a self-proclaimed “Solider of Allah,” gunned down Michael Grant Cahill, John P. Gaffaney, Frederick Greene, Libardo Eduardo Caraveo, Justin Michael DeCrow, Jason Dean Hunt, Amy Sue Krueger, Aaron Thomas Nemelka, Michael S. Pearson, Russell Gilbert Seager, Francheska Velez, Juanita L. Warman, and Kham See Xiong. Velez, 21, was pregnant but her unborn baby was never counted among the fatalities.

The closet queer, moslem president—from Kenya—at the time, Barry Soetoro, called this massacre “workplace violence,” not even “gun violence.” This rendered Hasan’s victims ineligible for medals and other benefits related to combat.

Yelling “Allahu akbar” as he fired, Maj. Hasan wounded more than 30 others, including Sgt. Lunsford, who took seven bullets from the jihadist and survived. A civilian police officer wounded Hasan, who was kept on salary while his case proceeded. Sgt. Lunsford and other victims complained that Hasan got better medical care than they did. In 2014, Lunsford wrote to Obama’s chief of staff Denis McDonough:

As you may know, the President and high-ranking members of the military promised me, my family and the other Fort Hood terror attack survivors that the federal government would ‘make them whole.’ After more than four and one-half years, however, the government has yet to make good on this promise. We believe that if the President could hear, first-hand, our plight and our mistreatment at the hands of his bureaucracy, that he would take the steps needed to set things right. Therefore, we ask for ten minutes of his time.

On a visit to Fort Hood, Obama spoke of “old wounds” but did not mention a single victim of the massacre and declined to meet with Sgt. Lunsford. If the soldier thought Obama did not care about black men—except for their votes—he would not be far from the truth. Is it hubris that enables a closet queer, moslem, communist who supports world jihad and is working toward the death of our Constitution and our way of life to demand black men to vote for Comrade Kamala because she—of Jamaican and Indian ancestry—has been presenting herself as black and deserving?

Men of all skin shades might recall Comrade Kamala’s response to another terrorist massacre during her time as California’s attorney general: On December 2, 2015, in San Bernardino, Islamic terrorists Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik gunned down Robert Adams, Isaac Amianos, Bennetta Betbadal, Harry Bowman, Sierra Clayborn, Juan Espinoza, Aurora Godoy, Shannon Johnson, Larry Daniel Kaufman, Damien Meins, Tin Nguyen, Nicholas Thalasinos, Yvette Velasco, and Michael Wetzel. The victims included blacks, Asians, and Hispanics, but in a December 17 statement, attorney general Comrade Kamala failed to name a single victim or condemn the terrorists.

In a statement one year later, attorney general Comrade Kamala recalled “those who lost their lives and the loved ones they left behind,” but named not a single victim, not even black woman Sierra Clayborn. Only 27, Clayborn had a “blooming career” snuffed out by moslem terrorists. The democrat (communist/globalist) attorney general again failed to condemn the terrorists or call the massacre a case of gun violence.

Black men being bullied into voting for Comrade Kamala might also consider Thomas Sowell of the Hoover Institution at Stanford, author of The Economics and Politics of RaceA Conflict of Visions and many other books. Back in the 1990s Clinton civil rights pick Lani Guinier charged that Sowell was not authentically black because he failed to support affirmative action. Harvard and Columbia grad Sowell, who earned a PhD in economics from the University of Chicago, shot back, I don’t need some half-white woman from Martha’s Vineyard telling me about being black.”

Black men might also recall Joe Biden’s claim that blacks who fail to support him “ain’t black.” Remember that Biden was a big fan of democrat Senate boss Robert Byrd, a former Ku Klucker who voted against black justices Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas. The Delaware democrat Biden, forced into stepping aside for Comrade Kamala, also made common cause with segregationists.

In similar style, Georgia Democrat Jimmy Carter was collegial with the segregationist Lester Maddox, but did not claim that whites had a duty to vote for Carter. That would not be acceptable at any time, and Obama’s bullying of black men to vote for Harris should be seen in that same dim light. Black men and people of pallor are fully capable of making up their own mind.

In 2024, as Thomas Sowell might say, nobody needs a half-white former president from Martha’s Vineyard telling them anything.

Final thought: The year 2024, may finally be the end of the “plantation” mindset for many black Americans—men and women.