Top California Newspaper Snubs Harris, Refuses to Endorse Democrat for 1st Time in Decades

We the People no longer trust the mass propaganda media, and our numbers are growing.

According to a Pew Research Center poll, a whopping 75% of Americans believe news outlets favor one political side over the other.

This from

From constant critiques of conservative policies to sympathetic coverage of costly, insane left-leaning causes, the news fabrication business is obviously in the tank for liberals and the number of We the People who recognize this and are disgusted is quickly growing.

Outlets like CNN and The New York Times, are nothing but collusion sources for the communist/globalist crime syndicate, especially concerning hot-button issues like COVID lockdowns or racial justice protests.

Further examples abound:

– Remember when MSNBC was practically glued to Obama’s hip, calling him “presidential,” while slamming Trump’s every move as “dangerous” or “unprecedented”?

– Or when The Washington Post ran glowing pieces on Hillary Clinton while downplaying the DNC email scandal?

From The Post Millennial:

The Los Angeles Times will not be endorsing a candidate for the 2024 election after endorsing a Democratic presidential candidate in every election since 2008.

According to a report from Semafor, the owner of the LA Times [billionaire Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong] has blocked the outlet from endorsing a candidate this year. The LA Times editorial board published its endorsements for the 2024 election cycle last week, however, an endorsement for president was not a part of it.

Now, what about that red carpet roll out for Comrade Kamala by the colluding mass propaganda media? Well, not so fast. Afterall, there are still twelve days until Election Day. Politico is occupied running pieces about how she is “struggling to connect,” and The New York Times is casually mentioning how she has been “absent from the spotlight” at crucial moments. And now the coup de grace: The Los Angeles Times has announced they will not be playing this go around.  Yes, no presidential endorsement for you, Comrade Kamala.

This is the same paper that has endorsed democrats in every presidential election since 2008.

Obama? They loved him. Hillary? She got the nod, too. Biden? Of course. But now, all of a sudden, they’re sitting this one out.

But why? There is more to this than meets the eye.

Back in 2020, Soon-Shiong even shot down an effort to endorse Elizabeth Warren, only to have the paper turn around and back Joe Biden in the general election.

The LA Times has not explained why they are taking a pass this time, but the indication was they were set to back Comrade Kamala. After all, as bad as she is, she is California’s homegrown candidate, and the paper has long had a soft spot for local Leftists.

[I]nstead, they left their readers hanging, saying they only endorse ‘the most consequential races.’ Well, what’s more consequential than the presidency?

The LA Times is not revealing any secrets here:

– First, we’ve got a major media outlet breaking with tradition. From the mid-1970s until 2008, the LA Times didn’t endorse anyone for president, sticking with that whole “neutral journalist” thing,

– Then they switched gears and went all-in for Obama. Since then, it’s been blue all the way… until now,

– The fact they aren’t endorsing a Democrat this year is telling. Is it because Comrade Kamala’s campaign has struggled to gain momentum? Is the media finally waking up to the fact that playing favorites is a losing game?

– Or is this a sign of deeper dissatisfaction within the [Leftist] ranks? Maybe the LA Times owner just doesn’t think Harris can win.

Sure, they are announcing their no-choice choice, but We the People are not being told why. May we assume they too view Comrade Kamala as toxic? Or that her blatant communism frightens the shadow communists? Or what about being able to read the handwriting on the wall and having sensed the Conservative landslide as well as what President Trump intends to do to those who have been colluding with those who committed treason?

What the colluding mass propaganda media fails to see is that a non-endorsement this election is too little too late. Colluding with those who committed treason is at a minimum Misprision of Treason.