Liberal Media Declares Biden’s Unwatched Speech A Roaring Success

Joe Biden delivered an address to a joint session of Congress in which about 12 lawmakers were present Wednesday night. It turns out just abut the same number of people were watching at home. Despite the fact that almost nobody watched Biden’s speech, the liberal media has declared it a roaring success because losing is winning when you’re a democrat.

The liberal media tells us that more people voted for Joe Biden last November than any other presidential candidate in U.S. history. The ratings for Biden’s speech last night call into question the validity of Biden’s popularity:

With some historical perspective:

81.3 million people voted for Biden but only 11.6 million of them watched his fist major speech? This is yet another metric to gauge the fraudulent nature of the 2020 presidential election.

Don’t worry, the democratic party propaganda machine known as the liberal media is here to spin this positively for Lonely Joe:

85% of Americans approve of Biden’s message in his speech? How can that be when only 3.3% of Americans even watched the speech?

As it turns out, there’s a very good explanation for this astounding approval rating from CBS: It’s bullshit.

To save you the trouble of doing the math, Republicans made up 18% of the poll meaning it was 82% democrats and independents. Still, the highest possible number for approval should have been 82% but CBS was already bullshitting, so they gave Biden another 3 points for free.

While we’re on the subject, check out the video of Biden’s address:

As you can see, only 43,183 people watched this online but it’s the up and down votes that are relevant to the fake news claim that Biden’s speech was widely popular. 8,100 gave a thumbs down to only 618 thumbs up. That translates into a 7.6% approvals rating, which is way off from the CBS 85%.

Even fake news CNN couldn’t lie as bad as CBS:

Keep in mind that CNN’s viewers skew heavily liberal so it is significant that more of them liked Trump’s first Congressional address than Biden’s.

And again, how in the hell did 81.3 million people legitimately vote for this clown? The answer is, they didn’t. The liberal media keeps calling accusations of voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election “the big lie” but the actual big lie is that Biden has any support among Americans. By every measure, nobody in this country likes him and by extension didn’t vote for him.