As Jew-Hate Skyrockets, the Obiden-Harris Regime Unveils New Islamophobia Initiative

The moslem Kenyan behind the screen is pushing an Islamophobia initiative as an address to obvious antisemitism in America.

The increasingly common mention of Islamophobia in any discussion of antisemitism has been an attempt to soften the rage of moslems in the United States over the expression of any concern about antisemitism.

This from

The FBI recently released its hate crime statistics for 2024, and the data is an obvious attempt to link antisemitism with Islamophobia as if Jews and moslems are facing vigilante attacks on an equal basis.

Ultimately, there should be zero incidents in both categories, but to equate them is a manifestation of a politically motivated myopia and deliberate distortion of reality.

And now for more politically motivated myopia and deliberate distortion of reality:

[A]s antisemitism skyrockets, the [Obiden-Harris Regime] has just announced a new initiative to fight against “Islamophobia.”

The White House on Monday released a “Fact Sheet” entitled “Biden-⁠Harris Administration Takes New Actions to Counter Islamophobia and Anti-Arab Hate.” It claims:

[O]ver the past year, the [Obiden-Harris Regime] has continued to take action to fight hatred and violence against [moslem] and Arab communities. Members of these communities, including Palestinian Americans, have been murdered or wounded in hate-fueled attacks; shot and subjected to other assaults as they simply walked down streets; bullied at schools, including by having their religious head coverings ripped off; and denied jobs, harassed, or demoted at work merely because of their faith or ethnicity.

Well, they certainly became hyperbolic, but the FBI Crime Data Explorer paints a significantly different picture:

– There were 1,071 hate crimes in the past year that were classified as ‘Anti-Jewish,’

– There were 1,068 ‘Anti-Black or African American’ hate crimes,

– There were 374 ‘Anti-Gay (Male)’ hate crimes, 296 ‘Anti-White’ hate crimes, and so on, and

– Finishing eighth in the hate crimes standings were ‘Anti-Islamic’ hate crimes, which numbered only 140.

This means that antisemitic attacks are over seven times more frequent than anti-moslem attacks. And remember, these numbers come from the corrupt and politicized FBI, which would love to show a spike in Islamophobia if it could. But it cannot.

Heedless of reality, The Regime eagerly seeks to assure moslems in the U.S. that they are rushing to their aid:

For generations, [moslem] and Arab Americans have contributed to the enrichment and prosperity of our nation through their public, military, and community service, in addition to many other invaluable contributions. And like all Americans, they are entitled to the promise and opportunities of our great nation.

Are Obama’s fingerprints all over this, or what?

Just for comparison’s sake, the last time the White House issued a ‘Fact Sheet‘ on what it was doing to combat antisemitism was over five months ago, on May 7, 2024.

What we have here is yet another Obama-Biden-Harris Regime inversion of reality.

It’s not quite as large as insisting that everyone pretend that Rachel Levine is a woman, but it’s still massive.

And the reason for it is quite clear. The Comrade Kamala campaign needs moslem votes, and to obtain them, it has to bestow on moslems the left’s most coveted prize: victimhood status.

If you’re a victim or even just claim to be a victim of racism and discrimination, you’re a hero for leftists, and you get everything that title implies: preferential treatment, influence, access, the overlooking of any faults or legal peccadillos, and much more.

This is Vote Pandering 101 and if Comrade Kamala could not vote pander, she’d be without a platform upon which to stand.

The one question that remains:

Will the Leftist Jewish voters again vote on the basis of history and habit, choosing the candidate that is eager to betray Israel every chance she gets rather than opting for four more years for the most pro-Israel president in history, Bad Orange Man?

Meanwhile, We the People can expect to hear much more from The Regime about Islamophobia.