Insurance Industry Facing Financial Ruin Due to ‘Tsunami’ of Sudden Deaths Among Covid-Vaccinated (VIDEO)

Soaring death rates around the world among people who received Covid mRNA “vaccines” are putting insurance companies “in very serious trouble.”

This from

According to a report from Dr. Richard Sauder:

[T]he tsunami of death as a result of the shots will be soon followed by mass destruction of the economy.

The report reads:

Governments, public health ministries, and Big Pharma are not talking about what is coming—because they are deeply complicit in despicable, genocidal crimes—but there are a number of prominent, world-class medical scientists explaining what is in the cards over the next few years: a tsunami of death, due to the billions of so-called Covid-19 vaccines that were injected into hordes of victims in countries all over the world.

Sauder cites Dr. Dolores Cahill, who has made a chilling prediction for the future of the Covid-vaccinated.

As Slay News previously reported: Cahill says the mRNA vaccinated will be dead within three to five years after receiving the “vaccine.”

She warns that this will be the case “even if they have had only one injection.”

Cahill’s 25 years of experience include work on how proteins and antibodies can be used in biomedical applications, including biomarker discovery, diagnostics, and personalized medicine.


Now, insurance companies are on the brink of bankruptcy due to the burgeoning death rate.

Dr. Sauder wrote:

Too many people are dying.


The normal actuarial tables no longer apply.

And if the insurance industry collapses, so will the global financial industry, as insurance companies are an integral component.

Sauder continued:

It appears that casket and coffin manufacturers, funeral homes, morticians, morgues, graveyards, cemeteries, backhoe operators and gravediggers, crematoriums, and the like will have plenty of work—if they can avoid dying themselves!


Other industries and the great bulk of the workforce will take it on the chin.

As Slay News reported last month:

Belgian virologist Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche warned about a looming collapse of immunity among the fully vaccinated, resulting in widespread global turbo cancer, heart attacks, strokes, and ultimately death.

Bossche described a “massive, massive tsunami” that will overwhelm hospitals, destroy the economy, and thus cause social chaos.

Bossche said:

You will see what will happen, for example, in the next coming weeks … is more and more cases of more serious long COVID.


They will start to replace the surge of the cancers … now we have a more chronic phase.

It will end with a hyper-acute phase, a huge, huge wave …


I’ve been studying this now for four years.

I know what I’m talking about.

Bossche concluded:

We will have to build a completely new world.

Final thoughts: We the People hope and pray these Doctors are in a large part WRONG.