The most despicable supporters of Sharia-compliant moslems are the criminally negligent propaganda media in the USA and Europe, who invariably whitewash or contort the reasons why moslems commit 99% of all acts of terror around the globe.
The following is a short history of Islam and moslems’ relationship with the rest of the world. Doubtful those who have the most to learn from this short article will ever read it.
This from

According to all the YouTube interviews, numerous people asked some of the student demonstrators simple but relevant questions such as:
– What does the acronym HAMAS stand for?
– Have you read the Hamas Charter?
– What is Zionism?
– What is Apartheid?
– How is Israel an Apartheid State?
– What is the definition of Genocide?
– Can you name a single king of Palestine?
– Is there any mention of a state called Palestine in the last 6000 years of recorded history prior to 1964?
Not a single person interviewed had correct answers to any of these really simple but fundamental questions. Yet, hundreds of thousands of truly ignorant and clueless ‘students’—many of whom are from wealthy white backgrounds but totally ill-informed creatures—have been violently demonstrating all over the Western countries not only against Israel but also against their institutions and governments in support of the Hamas terrorists.
These undereducated and brainwashed cretins do not know that the Arab-Israeli conflict has absolutely nothing to do with land (22 Arab countries own 5,000,000 sq miles; Israel is an insignificant 8000 sq miles) but everything to do with their ungodly belief system of Islam.
Not a single one of them ever demonstrated while Bashar al Assad of Syria slaughtered 500,000 civilians; not a whimper for the devastated communities in Yemen or Libya, deafening silence regarding the destruction of the ancient Christian communities in Arab and moslem lands. It is only when Jews are fighting for their very survival that these bastards scream for human rights and ceasefires.
Nor were there any condemnations of any of the above by Pope Francis (the Antichrist) or any other Christian leader in the USA or across the world.
Among these clueless and brain-dead demonstrators are thousands of queers and associates of the LGBTQIA+ movement who would be thrown live off roof tops to their death in any moslem country. These demonstrating anarchists are not only irrational, they are treasonous and hence can only be described as “Degenerate Human Mutants.”
These nihilists are divided into three major groups, each with its own agenda.
1. Globalists:
Those who have dedicated their lives to making humanity homogeneous, without nationalities, borders, religion, or distinction. They intend to eliminate patriotism and nationalism from the minds of humanity utterly. They use any conflict as a means of anarchy to achieve their aims. They most definitely do not care for nationalist causes such as Palestinian nationalism. They use chaos to achieve their goal.
2. Jew Haters:
Jew-hatred was started by the Catholic Clergy the instant they were given legitimacy and power by Constantine the Great c. 325 AD. The Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans were not Jew haters. They were imperialists who subjugated Jews as they did other nations. The only imperialists who are systemic Jew haters are the followers of Muhammad, rooted in their ungodly Quran scripture. Arab and Muslim Imperialism is the most malicious, aggressive, intolerant, racist, and longest-lasting in human history. It has been with us for the last 1400 years and continues.
3. Moslems:
They are among the foremost instigators of Jew and Christian/Western hatred and violence in the world. They also hate Hindus and Buddhists. This should not ever be surprising since [moslems] have been in the mortal and eternal war against all non-[moslems] (Kuffar/Infidels) for the last 1400 years, when their depraved mentor, Muhammad bin Abd Allah in his Quran, dictated Allah’s Sharia upon them.
Allah’s Sharia divides humanity into two irreconcilable groups: the followers of Muhammad (moslems of Dar al Islam) against all non-moslems (Dar al Harb). Currently, 20% of humanity (moslems) are against all 80% Kuffar/Infidels.
According to their Sharia, moslems must dedicate all their lives, souls, efforts, and everything they own to either subjugate all of humanity to Sharia or exterminate it. This hatred, aggression, and depredation have become encoded—during 1400 years of relentless indoctrination—into the DNA of moslems, from which it is impossible for them to get away without being slaughtered by their own kith and kin.
Sharia accepts only one type of moslems:
Fundamentalists, Jihadists, and or Sharia compliant. All other versions are considered fake, null, and void, and they, too, must be eradicated.
Only in the unlearned dimwit minds of Quran-ignorant Westerners do descriptions of Moderate, Militant, Radical, or Extremist moslems exist. Based on their Sharia, moslems can only be Fundamentalists; therefore, Militant, Radical, and Extremist all in one.
ISIS, Boko-Haram, and all other terrorist organizations are the “perfect” Islamic entities. They are NOT Radical, extremist, or militant because they follow their scripture perfectly.
When Arab reporters recently asked the people of Gaza who have become refugees in their own enclave… whom do they support, the absolute majority replied, Hamas. The very terrorists who they have elected for the last 20 years. When reporters asked the same question from those moslems demonstrating in the West, their answer was Hamas. Every moslem-majority country on Earth, 56 moslem-majority states (29% of UN members) of 1.6 billion, and all their 200,000,000 religious leaders also support Hamas.
– It is impossible for any Sharia-compliant [moslem] to be BOTH a Good Moslem as well as a Loyal citizen among non-Moslems/Kuffar,
– This is precisely the reason why [moslems] cannot integrate, assimilate, or be loyal citizens among non-[moslems], and
– There can never be Moderate Sharia-compliant [moslems], therefore, there will never be Peace on Earth as long as Sharia exists on our planet.